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Community Rating: 3.739 / 5  (140 votes)
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I'm a huge fan of the Myr and always try to fit them in my decks. At my local FNM and at the Innistrad Game Day in another town, this little guy is a turn two house in my Tempered Steel. I happily trade the card advantage I may get from using Origin Spellbomb for three copies of this guy that poke in for one every turn until Tempered Steel hits the board.
Posted By: MagnaLynx21 (12/19/2011 4:38:55 AM)


My fondest multiplayer memory to date is dropping Mishra, Artificer Prodigy and then following up with a pair of Hovermyr. As in, casting two of them and fetching the other two.
Posted By: LordRandomness (12/27/2011 11:31:12 PM)


This is really just a solid card, theres not much else to say about it. A 1/2 flier for 2 mana? Decent. Been printed before (you all know which card I'm talking about). A 1/2 flier with for 2 with vigilance? Even better, however, it's also prone to artifact removal. That seems like a good trade to me. But on top of all that, it's a Myr, and with all the Myr tribal insanity going on out there (Myr Battlesphere, Myr Galvanizer, Lodestone Myr etc) that's a huge benefit. And the icing on the cake is that it's a common, so sticking four of them in your deck is absolutely no problem, even for a casual player.
Posted By: chrismus (7/4/2012 7:54:05 PM)


At the prerelease, this cleaned the place up, since there were are very few kill spells in New Phyrexia. Highly underrated.

Plus, we need a plushie, stat.
Posted By: Xilinoc (7/6/2012 7:45:50 PM)


A great card to throw a few of in an artifact deck. Sure it could be more useful as a 2/1 but there are plenty of options for boosting him when it comes to artifact decks anyway so I don't mind his 1/2. Love the artwork and really enjoy the flavour-text:)
Posted By: Dragonshoredreamz (4/2/2013 6:55:42 PM)


It's funny how the lack of color restriction and the addition of vigilance actually makes this quite good.
Posted By: blurrymadness (5/1/2013 8:54:02 AM)


Suck it Storm Crow
Posted By: EdgarPoeAllen (6/16/2013 4:28:51 PM)


nananananananana BAT MYR!
Posted By: Iam_IronMan (7/9/2013 9:47:21 PM)


I rate this a solid 4/5 strictly because it's an awesome two drop for any myr deck...
Posted By: Cygore (7/22/2013 11:59:45 AM)


Dafuq? TWOOOOO colorless mana?!?....

It's even cheaper than storm crow...

But in all seriousness this guy is extremely efficient. It's one of those cards that's just fun. Doesn't have any profound effect on a format, doesn't drive you're friends up the wall every time you cast it (Iona, Shield of Emeria), it's just good fun.

4/5. Great art too.
Posted By: Jojabi (8/16/2013 4:09:10 PM)


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