Sooo, I just played this in a 3 player EDH and it got all the way to 15 counters. I lost to a 3/3. Definately a double-edged card.
Posted By:
(11/17/2011 5:33:32 PM)
Play this with True Conviction. Good times.
Posted By:
(12/3/2012 10:54:25 PM)
Combos with Sunweb
Posted By:
(1/26/2013 11:10:11 AM)
My friend has a red white archery deck with assemble the legion in it. This would be perfect.
One, usually his creatures have vigilance and, more often than not, first strike to knock down attackers before they can do damage. This incentivizes people to attack each other and not him. When he gets assemble the legions it's just a straight shot from there.
Posted By:
(4/11/2013 3:29:14 PM)
First Strike Deck FTW!
Posted By:
(6/25/2013 1:53:36 PM)
This would work swimmingly if your creatures had First Strike and Vigilance. Oh, what do you know - two entirely in-colour keyword abilities. Imagining this with Field Marshal and Mobilization seems like devilishly fun times.
Posted By:
(11/5/2013 12:37:19 AM)
I know you are thinking Field Marshal and Mobilization, but you are missing the true potential. If you run Rise of the Hobgoblins then you get all enchantments, stay in soldier, and get a mass of tokens late game (which is what you want for a lot of big damage). Now if only white had some sort of synergy with enchantments...
Posted By:
(2/27/2014 5:20:05 PM)
For when the game just absolutely, positively HAS to end in less than eight turns . . . this will probably do the job.
Posted By:
(5/23/2014 6:16:24 PM)