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Community Rating: 3.834 / 5  (223 votes)
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Put twenty-six Zombies into play... tapped. :(

Funniest thing I've seen in a long while: hitting an Army of the Damned with Chancellor of the Spires. That. hurts.
Posted By: Salient (10/27/2011 7:09:39 PM)


Going straight into my zombie deck. I don't mind getting it on turn 8, or even turn 9 for that matter. Corpse Harvester makes sure I don't miss land drops while keeping me alive long enough to use it (by finding the right zombies). If only this had the zombie subtype, but hey, a man can dream.
Posted By: poprockmonster (10/30/2011 3:51:57 PM)


Outside of the random local tourney, I'm primarily a kitchen table player. This card seems to be built mostly for that style of casual player, since it's CMC makes it fairly un-efficient in major tourney play. But for casual, it's a bone-shattering, face-smashing 5 stars, easily. Played a game with my wife the other day, i had my zombie deck, she had a life gainer/control deck. By turn 7, I had 52 zombies on the board (thanks, Endless Ranks of the Dead !) and all of them where 6/4 monsters (thanks, 2x Undead Warchief !) I wouldn't have had that many zombies if not for this card! Amazing, simply amazing!
Posted By: Sedris_is_my_homie (11/7/2011 6:57:28 PM)


Yes! Thirteen times yes!
Posted By: SIlverSkyz (12/7/2011 11:18:57 PM)


It's zombies. It's a horde of them. And it's GOT FLASHBACK.
If there has ever been a cooler 1-card win condition, I'm not aware of it.
When one showed up in a booster, I couldn't help but tailoring my zombie deck to fit it. Added a playset of Crypt of Agadeem and Dredge cards like Darkblasts and Stinkweed Imps to ramp mana. The flashback worked really well with dredge. Suddenly games became about getting around 10 creatures and AoTD in my graveyard. Playing a Nightmare Void before also helps it going unanswered.
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (12/13/2011 6:11:01 PM)


if you have this card down and your opponent puts massacre wurm then you are massacred ;)
Posted By: Townend_GLS (12/14/2011 9:20:43 AM)


I see your massacre wurm. And I don't care. Cematery reaper and death baron, for the win.
This card in my green/black zombies with forest titan and parralel lives? = epic win
Posted By: sonarr (12/18/2011 7:14:02 AM)


One-sided Massacre if you have a Noxious Ghoul out.

Also fun with a mature Pyromancer Ascension out. :-)
Posted By: Paleopaladin (2/6/2012 10:03:14 PM)


A really power creeped version of Green's Crush of wurms. Not happy to see this kind of stuff.

Black is being equipped to be the best creature token creating color with cards like this, Bitterblossom and Grave Titan. The color pie is under constant change. You never know what WotC is striving for.
Posted By: AncientTimer (2/15/2012 5:45:29 AM)


Foulgrin, your choice would make sense, but is kind of unneccessary considering the power of these cards. Once you have 13 2/2 zombies out, its pretty much curtains unless your opponent can answer it. Waiting for Endless ranks of the dead to multiply your horde plus playing an unbreathing horde would create a lot of zombies, but since you would have attacked at least twice with 13 zombies by the time you get your unbreathing horde out, you would win already.
Posted By: nunzioni (2/22/2012 6:24:40 AM)


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