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Parallel Lives. I can't believe no one's seen what's right in the set with it.
Posted By: raptorman333 (10/21/2011 6:45:06 AM)



Then your opponent casts DoJ...

but you had 4 mana free and had Fresh Meat in your hand >:D
Posted By: Kesth (3/16/2012 4:28:36 AM)


Damn zombies.
Posted By: azure_drake222222 (2/1/2013 12:27:38 PM)


I think the Innistrad set went way overboard on black cards, especially zombies. And this card proves my point.
Posted By: deadeye1387 (9/27/2011 6:23:23 PM)


Starting hand with 1 Swamp 4 Dark Ritual and this, gg
Posted By: ignis_nocturna (3/31/2012 9:11:55 PM)


@foulgrin, I played pretty much exactly the same last night. Awesome tactic, However if you have the mana (I suggest getting a buried ruin, or ghost quarter) you should use its flashback first giving you 26 zombies, then when you use endless ranks of the dead you get at least another 13 zombies (assuming not got any other zombies on the table) Then use the unbreathing horde you will get a creature thats 39/39 and pretty much unstoppable hand, next combat phase its all over. Unless of course the biatch has a counter spell of sort or a creature removal card.
Posted By: Cyberfizz (1/30/2012 3:31:18 AM)


player 1 - mountain, go!
player 2 - swamp, dark ritual, another dark ritual, more one, and finnally 4th dark ritual and....
Army of the Damned!!! Ahah, next turn win mzf*kr!
player 1 - mountai, piroclasm!
player 2 - f*kng shnitzel!!

by the way, nobody noticed that its 13 zombies, why?! it sound so evil to me, cause 13 is number of evil. Mtg became so anticrist =\
Posted By: Oleggio (9/25/2011 8:06:49 PM)


Herp derp obvious combo with Amulet of Vigor
Sorry about spelling it out but there are always newbies who have no idea cards like that even exist.
Posted By: starfox444 (10/2/2011 6:19:54 AM)


You might need a Black Lotus to pull it off, but totally worth it.
Posted By: badmalloc (9/24/2011 9:48:24 AM)


To be honest it is an ok card but it is a late game changer, I pulled it during the releas with curse of stalked prey and unbreathing hoard but of all of those cards the curse and diregrafed ghoul were the best combo
Posted By: hastln (10/5/2011 8:31:21 AM)


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