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I've made your idea for that ability into a card.
I hope you like it. =D
Posted By: Rivaren (10/12/2011 6:59:01 PM)


Pestilence. trololoooo
Posted By: bansheemane (10/19/2011 7:55:34 AM)


preordain djinn of wishes
Posted By: penguinmage25 (11/5/2011 5:36:08 AM)


I need one for my Grim-Grin EDH.
Posted By: KokoshoForPresident (4/25/2012 5:46:03 PM)


Oh how cute...you're playing black zombies! B/G? That's such a cute Doubling Season you've got there. I'll just put down my Norn's Annex and my 2 copies of Ghostly Prison. Oh, look at that, you flashed it back. How cute...

That said, I run one in my sliver EDH deck with an Artificial Evolution. Win condition if I've ever seen one.
Posted By: Averyck (5/11/2012 9:14:30 PM)


death pit offering
Posted By: The_AC (8/22/2012 7:12:04 PM)


Even in casual, this is not that great. If only they didn't come in tapped.
Posted By: Traius (8/1/2013 12:03:12 PM)


My friend made a deck which he called Brains!
At first I thought it was a WU control deck, but when he started playing BG lands, ramping up mana making zombies everywhere, i knew that I am gonna face this card.. At turn five or six I think, he cast this with a lone Cemetery Reaper out..
He was like: "Should we continue this?"
On my turn: I cast Slagstorm to kill the zombies.. "Yeah, we continue.."
He played another one with no more Cemetery Reaper..
I summoned Massacre Wurm and he was ready for game 2..

The next game after some sideboarding, pretty much the same thing happened.. But this time, I have no Slagstorms nor Massacre Wurms in my hand.. He cast this while having two Cemetery Reapers out.. I was behind and was losing.. But I still have Balefire Dragon in my hand and Urabrask the Hidden out.. I drew my card, (Blasphemous Act).. I showed him my hand and he conceded.. =)

Lesson: keep board sweepers always at the ready.. You never know when will those zombies come knocking on... (see all)
Posted By: God_of_Chaos (10/1/2011 1:02:20 AM)


Yo Army, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite says hello!
Posted By: AlbinoSnowman (10/1/2011 12:09:06 PM)


I was so excited to get this at my first booster. Then I realized I forgot to buy Forbidden Alchemy. Zombie Deck here I come!
Posted By: shocksaver (10/4/2011 6:35:04 AM)


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