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Community Rating: 3.834 / 5  (223 votes)
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I like the casual appeal of Innistrad. Big game breaking spells like this, Balefire Dragon, Moldgraf Monstrosity Back from the Brink Reaper from the Abyss. Awesomeness. Casual is where it's at.
Posted By: gtamaster503 (10/6/2011 7:00:10 PM)


Edit to my previous comment :)
Rage Thrower and any sac. outlet.
Posted By: Spidey77 (10/10/2011 9:29:23 AM)


Not particularly useful but really cool pulled one in prerelease was kinda slow for that with my deck
3.5/5 for usefulness
rated 5/5 for being cool
Posted By: nope.avi (10/10/2011 1:59:45 PM)


I threw one of these in my {U}/{B} Standard Zombie deck for laughs. I had an Endless Ranks of the Dead in play, and it was a very close match. He was closing in for the win, and I topdeck this, with just barely enough mana to play it thanks to Pristine Talisman . I got 26 Zombies in play before he gave up. :)

Fun, fun card. Flavor wise and mechanics wise, 5/5. :)
Posted By: Ty_m7ue (10/10/2011 4:21:34 PM)


How about Noxious Ghoul with this. Suddenly, every non-zombie on the board gets -13/-13 till end of turn. And it's not damage either, so it'll take care of all those pesky indestructibles, including Blightsteel colossus.
Posted By: rankodd (10/12/2011 6:46:19 PM)


Combine with Parallel lives, Reverberate, Fork,etc. four times. Then (I forget which card does this) turn all of your creatures into golems, the golem that says "Whenever an instant or sorcery spell targes one of your golems, copy the spell so it targets all of your golems" then (drumroll please) might of the masses. Let the fun begin!
Posted By: GFrogbottom (10/14/2011 4:55:46 PM)


"I've got a zombie army, and you can't harm me!" - Sam B.
Posted By: infernox10 (10/16/2011 12:32:24 PM)


Gempalm Polluter says hi.

This card is basically the 'countdown of doom' in my zombie deck. Running somewhere in the neighborhood of 13 lord-type creatures (obviously a legacy deck), this card is ridiculous. Usually, if I draw one opening hand, I'll set it off to the side to intimidate my friends. Cast this, and Gempalm hits for a MINIMUM of 13 damage, if the rest of your zombies have survived to this point, it's most likely GG.

I thank Innistrad for making my Zombie deck even more ridiculous. If they'd made this card Tribal - Zombie, I would've creamed myself.
Posted By: endersblade (10/18/2011 12:42:40 PM)


dont forget about Noxious Ghoul. play this and all non-zombies get -13/-13. next turn finish them with the 13 zombies after wiping out any creatures they may have had at the same time!
Posted By: Diabloboy (10/23/2011 6:50:53 PM)


To me, this reads "You have one turn to kill me or you lose."

Best thing is, you can do it TWICE.
Posted By: WateryMind (10/24/2011 7:29:21 PM)


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