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Community Rating: 3.106 / 5  (94 votes)
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Looks like they put up a
*Puts on shades*
Token resistance.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (4/9/2012 7:30:15 AM)


That's quite bad.
If you have a huge amount of creatures and artifacts in play, shouldn't you then swing with them or combo out, and kill your opponents, instead of gaining life?
And if your opponent has a huge amount of creatures and artifacts in play, are you sure that some lifegain will turn the table? I doubt it.

I guess in multiplayer it's not horrible, though I personally stick to permanents constantly doing something in multiplayer, rather to one shot effects.
Posted By: majinara (5/2/2011 9:35:10 AM)


Good morning, Vietnam!

So that's it then? The Mirrans got stomped, bad? Good, I never did like them. Ever since Fallen Empires, the 'good' guys in Magic have a horrible track record. Vindicate is the only time they actually won.
Posted By: blindthrall (5/10/2011 2:54:59 AM)


Like Congregate, but worse.
Posted By: chinkeeyong (4/29/2011 2:26:47 AM)


So if i have a COURT HOMUNCULUS i gain 2 LIFE. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (5/9/2011 7:43:31 PM)


WotC Pure Lifegain at it's finest. This card doesn't even nets you notable life if you don't have a huge board presence... So this is like "win more" only that you get Life instead of a assured win.
Even as a cantrip this would be only borderline playable. I have no clue why this wasn't made barely playable even in a Infect-infested Set.

Don't print crappy Lifegain... Please!
Posted By: Vividice (4/29/2011 8:30:04 AM)


Why this card has a low rating? Limited or constructed, it's card disadvantage. For card disadvantage, you want to be doing something significant - like pinging a high threat creature through Flesh Allergy (a card disliked for its card disadvantage, but being removal that can hit most threats in limited it's a lot more playable than this).

If you're in a stalemate, this won't do anything whereas a common 4 drop creature might. If you're winning, this won't make you win more, and in fact a creature probably would. If you're losing, this will buy you a turn or 2 - at the cost of a card, where they might play a creature and hasten their win.

Of course, there will be some situations where this card helps - like, say it's turn 5, none of your creatures have stuck, and you're hurting from their aggro, but you have a Phyrexian Rebirth. This, followed by the Rebirth on 6 could really turn the tide. But having to rely on other cards and limited circumstances to make one particular card a good... (see all)
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (5/8/2011 7:02:31 AM)


I know you won't agree, but this card should be red.

It's the lust for war that comes from that card. It's the hope for a big, epic, bloody fight. White shouldn't be happy to see a horde of black zombies, red goblins or green beasts rushing against it's own walls.
Posted By: Cheza (6/2/2011 5:44:08 AM)


Oh my god, a life-gain card... how rare and epic!

And look... it's WHITE! Groundbreaking work here Wizards!

Posted By: Hayw00d0909 (5/9/2011 8:58:19 PM)


In a 2 headed giant sealed torunament in the New Phyrexia Release, a team we played against cast this card two times in the same game, winning near 25 lives each time they cast the card. Anyway we ended winning that game, so the advice, as always, is : Don't play pure lifegain cards unless you're playing aFelidar Sovereign deck.
Posted By: Scorium (5/26/2011 3:01:38 AM)


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