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Community Rating: 1.398 / 5  (64 votes)
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this + donate + alter reality if u are playing against a mono-colored deck for expample u change the word "blue" to "white". that way ur opponent must pay one blue mana for each white spell he plays, so he practicly cant play white spells at all.
Posted By: darigaaazzz (1/27/2010 10:56:25 AM)


As darigaaazzz points out, this card is quite Donatable. That makes this leech the only viable one, as far as I can tell, since Donate is a blue card.
Posted By: EternalLurker (2/14/2010 6:40:18 PM)


I hate the art, I think it's the most terrifying Magic art I've ever seen. The green leech was at least playable. 5/5 for 4cc wasn't bad.
Posted By: blindthrall (12/14/2010 8:16:52 PM)


It lets you cast Evermind! I think?
Posted By: Nucleon (1/10/2013 6:18:15 PM)


Actually, thinking of it now, with Zedruu, Donate or Bazaar Trader and a Painter Servant, you can effectively lock your opponent from playing any spells for the remainder of the game. Donate a Leech of a color he doesn't play, and use Painter Servant to make all spells that color. He'll have to pay an extra colored mana to play any of his spells, and if he can't pay it, he won't be able to play at all.
Posted By: Luke_BPC (2/21/2013 1:44:35 PM)


Okay, splash Blue and have this as your only blue card, as x4 of.
Not unplayable, Wind Drake for 1 less. Okay there are better cards, but I would have made decks around these guys just because. This and the green one can be actually be used, the other 3 are really terrible.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (3/15/2013 11:11:37 AM)


@Nucleon It does not allow you to cast Evermind, sorry. The cost doesn't exist, it isn't just zero like the pacts. You need an alternative, not an increase. Fist of Suns, Jhoira of the Ghitu, or Omniscience will let you cast it. Anything that gets around cost.
Posted By: Enelysios (11/15/2013 10:22:45 PM)


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