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Community Rating: 3.082 / 5  (91 votes)
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Major Blue Hate? Check.

Makes you the griefer against Blue Control? Check.

Costs less than {6}? Houston, we've got a problem.

Still, an intriguing card.... I'm a fan of effects like this one, or Fatespinner's for example, that completely change the game's flow...
Posted By: Falgorn (8/16/2011 9:47:02 AM)


Sorry for the Noobie Questions, (2):

Question number "A":
I still do not get this card, and have been scouring the internet for an answer, so I guess my question is more general. Is there a site that explains rules via a "scenario", "use case", or "story"?

What I am looking for is something like this:

If such and such scenario exists, (players have certain cards on the table, health, mana, whatever), and player A plays this card, then this occurs ... on the next turn, Player B does this, ...


Anyhoo. So question number "B". This card is confusing me.

1. Players don't draw cards: Awesome, makes sense.
2. Players exile the top card of their library: (I assume this means all players, and does not exclude the person who played it). But, makes sense for the most part.
3. If it is a land card, play it: What? Okay, I get that you must play it... but, I thought there was no drawing of cards?
4. Otherwise, cast it if possible: WHAT?? "Cast It"? Isn't everything a "cast"? ... (see all)
Posted By: OneFlame (5/14/2011 7:36:55 PM)


I'm not clear when spells drawn Omen Machine can be cast. In a game a judge, who didn't seem sure, said that spells drawn with this in order to be cast must be flash or instant cards as spells can't normally be cast during the draw phrase. Is this true. How does this card work. It is not clear to me and apparently to others.
Posted By: Guest233824152 (10/11/2011 12:56:27 PM)


There are not many things you can do that force your opponent to cast a given spell. It's often a good idea to run opponent library stacking in case you can find something they really don't want played right now.
Posted By: LordRandomness (5/2/2013 5:01:41 AM)


Seems Obnoxious when you hit Time Reversal.
Posted By: ultratog1028 (5/22/2013 11:54:40 AM)


All spells must be cast regardless of instant, sorcery, enchantment, creature or planeswalker. The only ones that aren't are ones that don't have a valid target (ie: doom blade when there are no non black creatures, counterspells etc.) Xcost=0 but is still cast. Lands don't count as the land for that turn. Awesome combos include Treasure mage, palladium myr, grand architect all to get it out early, then alloy myr in case it's destroyed, Jace's archivist to empty everyone's hands because yours is the only deck built for topdeck freeplay, flashback is good ie: lingering souls, then drop chunky things like Brutalizer exarch, Sphinx of Uthuun, Sheldreod, Elesh norn, Omniscience, Tamiyo (or any other planes walker), Rune Scarred Demon, Contagion Engine, Army of Damned, Myr Superion, Spine of Ish Sah, Phyrexian Ingester, any titans, Birthing Pod, Volition Reins, Etc..
Posted By: RuneChanter (8/10/2012 7:48:17 PM)


Locally there has been a lot of debate about this card. This is the way we've interpreted the card.

The confusion comes from when the card is played and the term "if able". The cards are exiled and able to be played during your draw step. You are not able to play anything but instants, or things with flash, during this step. So creatures, artifacts, sorceries, these aren't "able" to be cast and remain exiled. This card basically locks down the game and is generally only played when you dominate the board.
Posted By: Maelicbod (6/10/2011 8:06:20 AM)


Type your comment here.
Posted By: Teakon (5/22/2011 2:10:03 PM)


This card is very niche but I don't see why it is rated so low. In a deck built around it, it can start locking down decks by turn three or four literally turning you opponent into a useless stack of cardboard. Opponents can only cast instants or cards with flash and you can always make enough room in your own setup to deal with things like that should they arise.
Posted By: mem0man (6/11/2011 1:56:59 PM)


I don't know why this had a meager rating of around 2.8 before I voted considering how useful it can be.
See, proper use of this card has three critical components:
Flash (Shimmer Myr, Leyline of Anticipation),
Deck Stacking (Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Liliana Vess, Scroll Rack, Crystal Ball), and
I Win (Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Blightsteel Colossus).

Other than that, you just need to support it properly. More deck stacking never hurts. Getting the cards you want (Treasure Mage, Shrine of Piercing Vision) is also important, of course. In the current standard, Grand Architect or Palladium Myr can help you get your Machine out soon and provide another way to play your winner if the main approach goes south. Last but... (see all)
Posted By: Zeofar (6/16/2011 7:28:55 PM)


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