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This dog is a bone, but it'd rather take one of your opponents.
Posted By: Worldwalker1 (5/16/2011 11:27:23 PM)


vampire's bite

me: "yes you did just lose 7 life."
opponent: =|
Posted By: Kyzar (5/26/2011 7:49:04 PM)


Easily underrated. Although its a bit of an investment, a Silverskin armor and Piston sledge can crank out 8 or 16 life.
Posted By: PhyrexianFryCook (6/3/2011 1:33:11 AM)


I've tried this creature out a couple of different ways and its true that there is more to it than meets the eye. First of all, it says "Target player LOSES LIFE equal to its power." Giving this creature infect won't have any affect on its graveyard trigger ability. Infect is based on dealing damage, not "Lose life" effects. Second of all, equipment only boosts the creature's power while its in play and has the equipment attached. Target player will only lose life equal to the creature's power with added equipment if the creature carried the equipment to the graveyard. Fling and Giant growth things work well, but I've found that the best way to use this creature is to take it out of the graveyard, rinse, and repeat. No complicated combos necessary.
Posted By: Gibbons (6/11/2011 9:01:52 AM)


Well then, after you take the damage, I guess I'll just Geth's Verdict myself to sac my Mortis Dog and put it into the graveyard from play ...
Posted By: Ouroborobelisk (7/15/2011 1:34:14 AM)


"And as my Mortis Dogs are about to die there is an eerie Howl From Beyond, which beckons you to follow the Mortis Dogs through Death's door."

I like this card. Good common that does something.
Posted By: dark_hero (7/15/2011 7:33:06 AM)


When this dog hears the Junkyo Bell, it starts salivating. Or at least, I do.
Posted By: Wylyam (8/2/2011 3:50:23 AM)


In Limited, a 4/2 for 4 CMC is a little sub-par, but it gives you a strong attacker that will trade with most anything that blocks it, or go in for heavy damage.
This guy does both.
Posted By: infernox10 (8/16/2011 12:19:28 AM)


I kinda wanna combo this in a Black Pod deck.. Maybe throw it in as a one-of, it can deal pretty good damage and fits in with Birthing Pod's sacrifice cost very nicely.

Not as potent as Fling, a good damage source could be nice against certain decks.
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (9/6/2011 1:47:54 PM)


See also: Hollow Dogs.
Funny that I randomly found that, and remembered this one.
It looks like a forgotten common has gotten a spiritual successor.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (11/2/2011 10:35:57 PM)


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