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Community Rating: 4.443 / 5  (87 votes)
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I like it when I play a deck with 4 Fireblasts and the hapless player in front of me is already virtually at 12 life.
Posted By: jinxedidol (6/17/2011 1:50:10 AM)


Amazingly flexible, and still has the admittedly overpriced option of four to the dome. But options make good cards great.
Posted By: Anon_Amarth (9/4/2011 10:30:39 AM)


This card <3 Grim Lavamancer
Posted By: Paleopaladin (9/9/2011 10:12:00 AM)


Anybody not giving this card 5 stars must enjoy playing long boring games.

I use this in my burn deck with 4 Lightning Bolt, 4 Flame Rift, 4 Browbeat = game over, buh-bye.
Posted By: MasterBlaster74 (10/27/2011 5:06:43 PM)


Posted By: Steinhauser (3/16/2012 10:03:40 PM)


This baby is the turn 3-4 win condition for my red deck. No red spell can do quite so much damage while surprising an opponent who got comfortable thinking you had no resources left.

Also lends itself beautifully to combo with reverberate. Can't count the number of times I've beaten someone by tapping 2 mountains, sac'ing them for FB and reverberating it with the floating mana.

Even the fact that it's target player or creature is awesome, if the game has dragged on too long for whatever reason, FB can take out creatures outside of the range of most other burns.
Posted By: Sothasil (5/9/2012 12:17:04 PM)


You're red, if you were going to need those mountains for much longer you were going to lose anyways. It's a good finisher.

Also works as a surprize attack:

"-You can't deal with my creature, you're completely tapped out!

-Am I now..."
Posted By: Arachnos (2/12/2013 11:06:04 AM)


This is exactly the type of card that makes the learning curve for this game so interesting and so steep. People see a cost like that and forget that:
-You're either about to win the game or
-you keep top-decking land so you can gain tempo by turning a useless resource into a useful one

Very good card that inspires me to try and finally go build a near-pure burn deck (probably some Stigma Lasher and Obsidian Fireheart cause I love them and they work so well with burn!)
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/12/2013 9:15:20 AM)


Fireblast: Because you don't need land if your opponent is dead.
Posted By: Aquillion (6/9/2013 1:21:11 PM)


Your mana base is irrelevant if your opponent is dead.
Posted By: LordRandomness (7/17/2013 5:32:04 AM)


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