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She looks like Asajj Ventress from The Clone Wars.

And she doesn't have four arms, she is wearing her coat like some sort of foppish dandy, or a Final Fantasy character.
Posted By: lorendorky (6/27/2011 11:24:41 PM)


Her favorite "instruments", in order: stuffy doll, Psychosis Crawler, Aeon Chronicler, and Soramaro, First to Dream. On occasion she likes to play with Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind, but he mainly just likes to watch.
Posted By: PolskiSuzeren (6/19/2011 10:27:55 PM)


@Polski - there's no doubt that Swans of Brynn Argoll is one of her best combos. Huge card advantage for yourself, starting with as little as 3 mana for 2 cards.
@Dragonmaster - there are very few decks which function well by giving your opponent card advantage. ^^

Personally, I've thrown her into a casual UR deck focused around repeatable removal and card advantage. There are 13 creatures that can directly ping creatures (3 x Nin, 4 x Cunning Sparkmage, 4 x Spitemare, 2 x Niv-Mizzet), 3 Trinket Mages to fetch them the 2 Basilisk Collars (as well as other targets in Elixir of Immortality and Everflowing Chalice), and 4 x Swans of Brynn Argoll to act as a decent 4 mana beater as well as providing great synergy with any of these pingers.

Most importantly, it's fun whilst still being competitive in a casual environment.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (6/21/2011 11:27:51 AM)


@Atali: There were definitely an abundance of metal-free Vedalken on Ravnica (native or not), and she resembles them far more than any other more artifact-influanced versions of either Esper/Alara or Mirrodin (though, as it's been mentioned, she shares there four-armed qualities).
Posted By: Dr.Pingas (6/21/2011 7:45:49 PM)


she will be my wife
Posted By: Khultar (6/21/2011 10:50:51 PM)


Vedalken are NOT native to Mirrodin, Vedalken are NOT native to Ravnica, Vedlaken are known to be native to Alara, but Alaran forms do not have four arms, that is a feature unique to the mutant subrace of Mirrodin. However, Nin's physical features do not resemble Mirran Vedalken (except for the arms). She may represent a fourth, yet unknown population of Vedalken.
My point in saying that Vedalken aren't native to Ravnica or Mirrodin is (since neither population resemble the Alaran population), there MUST be an unknown source population somewhere.
Posted By: Atali (6/23/2011 11:21:36 AM)


This card could be pretty sweet with Stuffy Doll on your side of the board!...point and draw cards...deal an equal amount of damage!
Posted By: jasonreeson (6/24/2011 12:36:29 PM)


@DarthParallax - Hell, combining Nin here with a few other Commander cards and you can rapidly mill your opponent(s) into the ground. Riddlekeeper and Avatar of Slaughter come to mind...
Posted By: Alsebra (6/30/2011 6:30:22 AM)


Hit opponent's creature with Nin, sac a Whirlpool Warrior and follow up with either a Cerebral Vortex or Runeflare Trap (or both), for an unexpected victory (all being instants just cast on opponent's turn). Hit a creature for 2, so opponent has drawn 3 cards a turn, sac the warrior (say a hand of 5), means they have drawn 8, the vortex pushes the card count to 10 and takes 10 damage followed by runeflare for a total 20 damage. There are plenty of other things that work with this (use Trade Secrets for one or using Standstill to push into the late game).
Posted By: CallmeMerry (7/18/2011 9:56:41 PM)


I kinda like the idea of destroying a troublesome creature with this girl and then throwing down some Windfall action to fill your hand back up.
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (7/18/2011 10:49:34 PM)


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