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This guy is my Commander League general. I originally built him because my casual group was hating my Damia, Sage of Stone deck (for good reason, control decks are annoying). Animar looked like a fun casual deck so I put together a basic one out of the precon and some cards I had that fit. I focused on Primordial Sage and it quickly became clear that with some development he would be a very powerful deck. My casual group ended up stating that Animar was stronger than Damia and I had not put major development into Animar yet. So I started developing Animar into a stronger deck to transfer it to being my league deck and I built a new casual deck.

After a bit of work I got http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/animar-soul-of-elements-edh-2/ which came out really well. I am really liking Animar as a general and the deck itself. It has a lot of exciting lines of play, alot of depth, it requires attention to detail and trigger orientation. Overal... (see all)
Posted By: kenethare (1/24/2012 10:20:20 PM)


funny. why'd they make the best Elf general they ever printed multicolor?
Posted By: TherealphatMatt (2/7/2012 10:30:04 AM)


I got out Mindshrieker, Garruk's Horde,Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger, and Joiner Adept once. All of this happened AFTER we had Collective Voyage for pretty much every land in my deck.
Garruk's horde let me cast all my creatures from the top of my deck, and when the top card wasn't a creature (or when the top card was Anger) it was milled by Mindshriek. I pretty much played every creature in my deck, and then swung for lethal at 2 other players.
It felt pretty radical.
Posted By: DeathbyCoffee (2/28/2012 12:51:02 AM)


This card is so awesome. I just wish it read "whenever a creature enters the battlefield under your control" so you could play this with Ulasht.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (3/31/2012 8:56:43 AM)


Such a good EDH general. Momir Vig, Simic Visionary says hi too
Posted By: ndrew68 (8/30/2012 9:50:53 PM)


This is a great card! The colors have almost anything that you would need. Blue is counters, red is burn spells to kill creatures, and green you can get good creatures out. I would play this card as a General any day!
Posted By: MagicFreakJJ (9/5/2012 5:45:36 AM)


HELLO, ARTIFACT CREATURES! like a zero cost platinum angel or ulamog, the infinite gyre.
Posted By: the_nonaffiliated (10/6/2012 11:37:41 AM)


I use him with the Urza "free" creatures, and any creature that draws cards when it comes into play to cast my entire deck. I kill one player with general damage (the black white player,) kill one player with a horde of creatures (the green black red player) and kill one player with a grapeshot (the blue white player.) It's fair because they had six turns to try and stop me.
Posted By: thisisnotmyname (11/27/2012 5:58:30 AM)


EDH shenanigans with this guy as your general!
Step 1) Have Vigor; make him indestructible.
Step 2) Have Animar, Soul of Elements.
Step 3) Cast Blasphemous Act; this will place 13 +1/+1 counters on Animar.
Step 4) Cast any fatty Eldrazi (Emrakul, the Aeons Torn if you don't care about EDH legality; Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre or It That Betrays if you do) for free.
Step 5) Win, presumably.
Posted By: SnackyNorph (2/16/2013 8:24:56 AM)


If you can drop an Experiment Kraj then some sort of insanity may occur
Posted By: EKraj (2/27/2013 5:20:34 PM)


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