Posted By:
(5/6/2012 8:38:53 AM)
If you think the art is controversial you need to lighten up. How about we discuss that awesome flavor text? Makes me proud to own a Garruk.
Abuse is terrible, but most of the time the women keep putting themselves in that situation...
Posted By:
(9/6/2012 4:46:35 PM)
I searched this card to comment on the awesome art, and what do I find? *siiiiggghhhh...* an argument on sexism.
Seriously, everyone, he's threatening her with death, not rape. Why does this scene have to call to mind rape scenarios? Every time I look at a card with two Ravnican towers in the background, do I have to remember 9-11? Or heavens no, if I saw Garruk wailing on some hapless scrawny dude, would some guy get to sue Wizards because he was bullied as a kid? sheesh...
Posted By:
(10/19/2013 8:26:09 PM)
Come on, guys. Do you REALLY need to make sex comments? Really? Just comment on the card itself. Green needs card draw like this.
Posted By:
(4/10/2013 11:09:16 PM)
best multiplayer card draw ever!!
Go reread the rules for the card a few times... Every players turn during their up keep it checks the highest chr value. and u draw a card if u control the highest power....amazing! Funny that the rules states something different that what the card states (your up keep). I didn't think this was a global effect card while reading it.
Posted By:
(5/30/2012 12:18:13 AM)
About feminazi rants:
Men having fun in a hobby women don't control, women try to control it. Nothing new here. Boycott anyone who submits to them and they'll have no power.
Posted By:
(6/24/2012 7:42:05 AM)
So, I heard the art is controversial, or something?
Posted By:
(5/23/2012 3:35:04 AM)
If there are no creatures in play, and you have Triumph in Cruelty at the beginning of your upkeep, do you draw a card?
Posted By:
(10/9/2012 4:31:31 PM)
i couldnt care less if he had her bent over the rock doing her beasty style all i care about is what the card does and what it cost to get the affect and this card is good and priced right and has a nice home in my beast deck with garruk and pack leader filling my hand with all the card advantage i'll ever need
Posted By:
(2/7/2013 10:49:38 AM)
Thank God Disruptive Student wasn't printed today, or its art would have made many more waves than this card ever did.
Posted By:
(2/12/2013 5:54:48 AM)