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angel of despair
Posted By: PinkleDadandy (5/7/2012 4:25:34 PM)


This, along with Cathars' Crusade and Snapcaster Mage. I could honestly see this in a cheap combo with Isochron scepter, not that it isn't really good already.
Posted By: Jupenator (5/8/2012 1:26:06 AM)


I guess flicker is the best new mechanic in Avacyn Restored

This, Champion of the Parish or Champion of Lambholt, and Timberland Guide
Posted By: MaDaZi (5/9/2012 12:38:58 PM)


@ SyntheticDreamer: Removal doesn't always target creatures, but it is still useful.

I'll consider making a Sundial of the Infinite/cards with awesome ETB abilities deck now.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (5/10/2012 7:33:25 PM)


All of the flicker effects in Avacyn only give me more incentive to run four Suture Priests in standard.
Posted By: Coaltar (5/15/2012 4:41:14 PM)


Think about the synergy this has with Tidehollow Sculler
Posted By: ninjaboy05 (5/16/2012 8:16:31 PM)


Just want to make sure I'm reading this right, because someone at the card shop I go to was very... hazy about this card.

It can ONLY target your creatures, yes? You can't use it to reset your Planeswalkers (sans Gideon) or your enchantments? They were under the impression that you could use this to flicker your own O-ring, thus removing two permanents. I called bologna, but I wanted to make double sure.
Posted By: JuggernautFox (5/18/2012 8:38:59 AM)


Sweet! As stated already this instant is crazy usefull. Enter the battlefield effects once more? Check.
Dodge removal, mind control and other nasty things? Check. Untap creature? Check. Soulbound? Check. It even helps fight phyrexians! Unfortunetly it limited to creatures yo control (so no token removal). Oh well can't have everything.

By far my favorite combo with this is with Gideon. Smack for six use this and when Mr. Jura comes back use +2. Evenr funnier if you playing U/W control and steal some creature (works for W/R too!) you can keep it pernamently. Yes, including Gideon.
Also Venser can use this card too, not by himself mind you but trimple ETB is nice.
Posted By: Cloudeye (5/19/2012 6:20:08 AM)


Goes beautifully well with Fiend Hunter. Just when it hits the field, before its 'enter the battlefield' resolves, Cloudshift it. Cloudshift goes on top of the stack, and once it resolves, the 'leaves the battlefield' goes on the stack on top of the 'enter the battlefield' ability. The 'leaves the battlefield' ability resolves, and nothing happens. THEN the 'enter the battlefield' ability resolves, and the creature is exiled forever.

And the Fiend Hunter would come back, allowing you to exile another creature(forever too, if you have the mana for another Cloudshift).
Posted By: Binaro (5/25/2012 8:59:47 PM)


With this and Fiend Hunter it's a 4 mana 2-for-1 exile. Now, pulling it off will probably only happen when there are 2 Misthollow Griffins on the field :P
Posted By: Megacherv (5/27/2012 4:14:32 PM)


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