Hearing new players make up their own wording for this game is just too funny.
@Crosserenti: "you pay 4 to counter". Well, that's not how the card works. Paying life points and getting dealt damage are two completely different things. Also, you don't "pay life" to "counter" Thundermaw's ability.
Posted By:
(7/19/2012 7:49:43 AM)
You cannot Cloudshift a Vexing Devil to have your opponent pay 8 life in the same manner that you cannot use Undying Evil. It's about priority. You'd have to play Cloudshift or Undying Evil while you still had priority thus when it was your opponent's priority they'd choose to pay 4 life to sacrifice which would go on the stack above either of the spells you just played and thus they would fizzle. If you pass priority to your opponent they would then choose to pay 4 life to sacrifice, and you cannot play an instant during your opponent's priority. Because an ability does not require priority to resolve, you do not have the opportunity to play anything in response to your opponent letting an ability resolve by taking 4 damage.
117.1. A cost is an action or payment necessary to take another action or to stop another action from taking place. To pay a cost, a player carries out the instructions specified by the spell, ability... (see all)
Posted By:
(7/20/2012 11:55:32 AM)
question on rulings...if you were to cloudshift a realm razer, what would the stack look like? From what i gather, razer's leave the battle triggers, followed by his enter battlefield, with the effects going in reverse order. meaning that the lands are first exiled (since the stack resolves in reverse order) and then returned tapped. Is this correct?
Posted By:
(8/15/2012 10:29:31 AM)
Makes Storm Crow even more invincible. 5/5
Posted By:
(9/5/2012 7:36:45 PM)
Mentor of the Meek
Same color, low cost works with Stonehorn Dignitary, Suture Priest, Fiend Hunter and as already mentioned Snapcaster Mage
Posted By:
(9/9/2012 5:12:16 PM)
Can anyone tell me the ruling in Cloudshift
Act of treason, if the cloudshift... is used in the end of the turn i uses act of treason
Posted By:
(9/15/2012 10:58:34 PM)
What if i cloudshift a card played as morphed ?
This card is insane !
Posted By:
(9/25/2012 10:53:33 AM)
I think a Cloudshifted Angel of Serenity would probably end the game in rather quick order. (Using the same trick as with Fiend Hunter)
Posted By:
(10/4/2012 11:32:05 AM)
@ElCarl I have the Angel of Serenity / Cloudshifts in my "Mega City One - Judge Dredd" (long way of saying 'detained' deck) and when I read your comment I thought.. "That wont work when AOS leaves the battlefield is frees the 3 exiled targets..". So as usual I think "I missed something here".. Re-read the card... Holy Cow they get sent back to Target's Hand.. I"m off to get me another AOS. ;)
Was originally thinking of using those cloudshifts if I can get 2+ Dungeon Geists out.. I can blink each one to "perma-tap" 2 creatures each.
This is one sick lovely card for 1 W...
Posted By:
(10/6/2012 9:32:26 PM)
A really fun and potentially powerful card. Its constructed playability will depend on the cards around it, but it's going to be a favourite of casual decks for a long time.
I'm not sure whether I want it for my Sharuum Blink EDH though, because it's only a one-off effect.
@Ligerman30, this does stop any removal which targets the creature. The reason for this is that when you play such a spell, say Murder, you must nominate a valid target - in this case my Goblin Raider. Murder goes on the stack. Then I play Cloudshift on the goblin, it goes on the stack and resolves, causing the goblin to be exiled and then return. Your Murder is still on the stack, but the goblin is treated as an entirely different permanent to the goblin that was on the field just before, so the Murder now doesn't have a target and fizzles.
Posted By:
(10/22/2012 6:47:25 AM)