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If i use this on an Eternal Witness then can I return this to my hand with the witnesses ETB trigger or does the spell not go to the graveyard in time?
Posted By: MightySqueeth (10/30/2012 1:07:53 AM)


I love this card, there are just so many ways to use it.

Hello, Mangara of Corondor.
Posted By: NickDay (11/7/2012 10:28:28 AM)


Ligerman, it does prevent (most) red and black style removal. When the creature comes back from exile, it is no longer the target of abilities that had previously targeted it. However, sweepers still work on it.
Posted By: AgitatedBadger (11/9/2012 6:38:51 AM)


This has the potential to abuse so many cards, in addition to act as a pseudo-counterspell to burn/removal. I love it!
Posted By: HeebrewHammer (11/26/2012 7:26:43 AM)



From my understanding of the rules, the moment a "targeted" card is exiled, the spell which targeted the card is immediately countered. The spell does not resolve and its effects do not occur.


If the spell or ability specifies targets, it checks whether the targets are still legal.
A target that's no longer in the zone it was in when it was targeted is illegal.
Other changes to the game state may cause a target to no longer be legal; for example, its characteristics may have changed or an effect may have changed the text of the spell.
If the source of an ability has left the zone it was in, its last known information is used during this process.
The spell or ability is countered if all its targets, for every instance of the word "target," are now illegal.
If the spell or ability is not countered, it will resolve normally.
However, if any of its targets are illegal, the part of the spell or ability's effect for which it is an illegal target ... (see all)
Posted By: Quorong (11/30/2012 4:54:45 PM)


Anyone else kind of hoping for an Angel of Despair reprint coming up in the new Ravnica block?
Posted By: VirusVescichetta (12/17/2012 8:28:21 PM)


a debate occurred with this card and Archon of the Triumvirate ( the Detain mechanic)

He was attacking me with his Archon and had selected 2 of my creatures to Detain. When he attacked I used Cloudshift on one of the detained creatures and brought it back thinking I would be able to block with it.

What is the ruling of exiling a Detained creature? does it come back still detained or does that fall off like most other things when a creature is exiled?

Either he won, or I won... we've considered it a draw until resolved :P
Posted By: Tiaekyco (2/24/2013 7:27:20 PM)


Opponent plays Predatory Rampage and laughs at you? Cloudshift your Craterhoof Behemoth and have the last laugh.
Posted By: StoneColdheart (3/15/2013 1:54:12 PM)


You can spam this on so many creatures. Off the top of my head:
Armada Wurm
Aurelia, the Warleader
Mindclaw Shaman
Snapcaster Mage
Molten Primordial

The list goes on.

Splash 5 in every deck you make.
Posted By: Kaleidostorm (4/28/2013 4:25:55 PM)


This card adds a lot of utility into your creature deck. cloudshifting creatures from captain of the watch, to suntitan can really make enter the battlefield effects twice as effective for only 1 mana. Not to mention it saves your creature from removal. Also doubles up as an untap after you swing with a big creature.

I feel this card is underrated considering it's potential.
Posted By: arconic (5/4/2013 6:50:49 AM)


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