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If you really want to be brutal with this card use it on Sundering Titan! If you're lucky they will be playing at least 2 colours meaning that you can destroy 4 lands if those lands are basic for only one mana!
Posted By: Blasphemale (5/7/2013 3:22:28 AM)


Best with any creature that has beneficial "When ~ enters the battefield" AND "When ~ leaves the battlefield" effects.

Thragtusk is a classic example. Get a 3/3 green beast creature token + 5 life. Not bad.

Also fantastic for preventing the "When ~ leaves the battlefield" drawback effects of cards with nice "... enters the battlefield" effects, such as Petravark. Cast Cloudshift before the "... enters the battlefield" effect resolves and it causes the " ... leaves the battlefield" effect to resolve first, but there is no valid target, so the "enters" effect will be permanent. There are a lot of creatures this would be useful with.

But be careful, some cards don't play well with Cloudshift (Wormfang Crab, Wormfang Drake, Wormfang Turtle, Wormfang Newt unless you've Mind Controlled an opponent's creature or something)
Posted By: Callahan09 (5/28/2013 6:56:50 AM)


Great card to protect avacyn from removal or exile. Plus it works well with cathedral santifier.
Posted By: David.O (6/22/2013 6:19:26 AM)


In some decks you may rather want apostle's blessing; in some you'd rather have this.


Protection: Unblockable and it can also be used to get equips or enchants off of something.
Flicker: What you get out of this instead of protection is that you can abuse EtB or LtB triggers and it doesn't fail to anti-protection spells.

Just depends on your deck. Awesome spell.

Consider turn to mist instead if you're worried about boardwipes or the weird timing of abilities matters (Wormfang Drake)
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/2/2013 1:24:36 PM)


Combos with etb......and ltb....but not blt
Posted By: rydog422 (8/4/2013 6:23:09 PM)


Trostani's Summoner
Posted By: Dashneyman (8/30/2013 4:30:46 PM)


Funny thing, this card is the first good card that I recognized as being extremely good. Xathrid Gorgon, mind, was in my first booster pack with it
Posted By: Mosstone (10/18/2013 6:51:25 PM)


@Opponent808 - you'd hang on to it. It comes back in as a new object under your control.
Posted By: somegeek (11/14/2013 9:56:45 AM)


Great for blinking shenanigans...

the art makes me think "exit, stage right.."
Posted By: tcollins (11/18/2013 8:11:39 PM)


Contingency spell for Ravenous Demon
Posted By: timbosaurus-rex (12/28/2013 9:40:49 AM)


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