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Community Rating: 4.159 / 5  (258 votes)
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すごい! (Amazing!)

This card is just awesome. Massive destructive power, but can be killed by any exile, sacrifice, and counter effect. It needs to be a bit harder to get on the field, tho. Turn seven is a death sentence when used in a WR deck. I use it within a WG deck with Cavern of Souls and Rampant Growth. works well, especially with my Craterhoof Behemoth. (oh dear god its evil when you pull off that combo)

4.5/5 ^_^
Posted By: DarkShinobi93 (7/17/2012 3:25:11 PM)


Woah. Use with curse of bloodletting and rage reflection
Posted By: tarvofthemudhole (4/26/2012 10:37:32 PM)


The last ability is probably the best, because without it your opponents would likely treat her like they treat a casting of Edric, Spymaster of Trest: Attack you until you're dead because they know what you're up to. But that last ability really makes them pause. At the very least they will reconsider attacking you.

In reality, very few of the angels and demons in this set are auto-includes for a Kaalia of the Vast deck, as the deck already had such good options. But Gisela is certainly one of them, as aggro decks in Commander need some push to take down several 40-life opponents, and Gisela really pushes it.
Posted By: sarroth (4/27/2012 10:11:03 AM)


Heartless Hidetsugu has a new best friend.
Posted By: KetchupyKnuckles (4/27/2012 2:17:08 PM)


I actually managed to not lose to her in a pre-release game. was running white/green and Grounded her to remove flying and chump blocked her until we tied the game. ended up winning the round 1/0. It was too close. She's still amazing
Posted By: Mortar182 (5/1/2012 1:02:06 AM)


GrISELbrAnd, just saying.
Posted By: Randomi (5/1/2012 8:31:22 AM)


If you ask me this is the best creature in the entire block. It's absolutely overwhelmingly powerful in the right deck. Looks like Baneslayer Angel just made a potentially devastating new ally! Susceptible to removal though so ultimately it's still balanced.
Posted By: Shredmonster (5/6/2012 6:57:55 PM)


"What's that? You say you're playing a cheap creature deck? Heh heh..."
Posted By: Judgemaster_Rolan (5/9/2012 10:36:01 AM)


Hmmmm, so a 10/8 for seven mana... with that ability. God Damn, I hope my friend who pays R/W never gets his hands on this card!
Posted By: Kamishini (5/10/2012 5:03:25 PM)


Posted By: TheRisenDerp (5/10/2012 9:16:13 PM)


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