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I gotta admit, this is like banding DONE RIGHT. double strike on two creatures? not that bad. just got to make sure one doesn't die, and you're alright.

With trample and lifelink, GG.
Posted By: Pigfish99 (9/3/2012 3:45:50 PM)


Follow it up with a Spark Trooper for 12/1 trample lifelink goodness
Posted By: flavioal28 (1/18/2013 1:52:11 AM)


This + Ghor-Clan Rampager and/or Rancor = win
Posted By: joeah100 (4/16/2013 10:59:52 AM)


I almost puke when I pair this with a Blood Baron of Vizkopa because the combo is just so disgusting...
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (5/26/2013 10:54:52 AM)


Found my replacement for Mirran Crusader when it rotates. Until then, I'll have to find room for both!

This is really, really cool.
Posted By: JRE47 (4/26/2012 7:21:20 PM)


"Hey, Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, mind winning the game for me real quick? Thanks! You're a real sweetheart."
Posted By: JonTheRed (4/28/2012 10:25:33 PM)


This plus Wolfir Silverheart = good night.
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (4/26/2012 6:32:55 PM)


Just giving another guy double strike is decent. Coming with a 2/2 body that ALSO has double strike makes me think this is good enough for standard.
Posted By: .Blaze. (4/26/2012 4:30:40 PM)


Uhhhhh willieskyeyes, firstly, knights steer their mounts with their knees, their horses are highly trained and respond to shifting pressure on their sides. Secondly that is a halbard, not a scythe, and it is currently behind held like that because he looks to be initiating a charge. Most knights had a side arm like a sword because lances are a little difficult to use after the initial charge (you don't have enough space to swing or thrust and people have a nasty ha bit of getting stuck on them and breaking them off. If we are going to be talking about the size of weapons on horseback, have you ever SEEN a couched lance? The only thing wrong with this picture is that he should be holding a more traditional lance and maybe have a helmet on / more armouring for the horse
Posted By: Yuwain (5/23/2012 7:25:01 AM)


Drop this turn 4 after dropping Geist of Saint Traft and watch them get a faceful of a 4/4 Angel with doublestrike.
Posted By: MyHappySandwich (4/26/2012 8:52:00 PM)


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