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Community Rating: 3.945 / 5  (154 votes)
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Put Armored Ascension on your Knight of Meadowgrain then pair with Silverblade Paladin.
Posted By: tpkatsa (7/8/2012 5:08:09 AM)


At first glance at the art, it looks like this guy's doing Riverdance if you don't register the horse.
Posted By: forumbrowser (7/11/2012 9:13:37 AM)


bond this with sublime archangel......turn 4 win
Posted By: badboy453 (8/19/2012 6:34:43 PM)


Inquisitor's Flail lets this one guy, a lowly 2/2, hit for 8.

Bonding him to a Wolfir Silverheart means they could do 18 and 32 damage, if each were equipped with the Flail.
Posted By: Warhammer3025 (9/27/2012 3:52:06 AM)


So if you pair this with another one do they get quadruple strike?
Posted By: Savagesauce (11/11/2012 9:32:42 AM)


If you think he is bad when alone... Think again! When will he ever be alone!!! You take something like sublime and pair with just 2 other people and a selesnia charm or rancor gets you a turn 5 win automatically... Not to many decks run searing spears and if they do that's a card for a card and waste one of their burns. Paired with champion after playing turn two creature you swing for 6 on turn 3 plus your two drop on turn four play something like mayor then swing, announce 12 dmg coming to your face if no blocks they block champ and you play selesnia charm for 14 damage and you win or with rancor and another one drop on turn two or angel
Posted By: Seth346 (1/8/2013 6:21:13 PM)


He's simply amazing. The combo possibilities with this fella is endless. Once had this guy paired with a Soltari Trooper equipped with quietus spike. My brother hated me ;)
Posted By: futte (1/30/2013 2:04:49 PM)


O_O So I guess no one has there thinking cap on yet... let me q you in...

"Soulbond" ignores protection effect...

Those wheels in your head spinning yet? No?

Pristine Angel

Posted By: ArkAngelHFB (3/20/2013 5:56:12 PM)


Sneak Attack anyone???

and add some fun:
dragon tyrrant
darksteel colossus
anything trample...
Posted By: Ferlotte (4/16/2013 8:59:12 PM)


This card is going straight into my B/W deck. This guy paired with a Dark Favored Tormented Soul? Good Lord!
Posted By: Basilica_Syndicate (4/21/2013 9:59:10 AM)


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