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Community Rating: 1.042 / 5  (71 votes)
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This guy and Scoria Elemental need to go have a drink together.
Posted By: syrazemyla (4/29/2012 12:00:25 PM)


At first, I thought how terrible a card is this, but in limited, he very easily could have first strike, and then he is something. Initially I was going for a 1.5/5.. now 2.5/5. Let me play him against my group and we will see.
Posted By: Speednat (4/30/2012 10:24:35 PM)


Slightly better than Righteous Avengers, Skyrider Trainee , Horizon Seed, Cursed Monstrosity, and Bog Hoodlums . Anyway, I will rate it as 0/5.
Posted By: Ike38 (5/5/2012 9:05:56 AM)


Oof... never have I thought Lightning Elemental would be more playable than something... Until now :S
Posted By: Ferlord (5/5/2012 5:27:41 PM)


For only 5 mana, this guy can trade with a Titan! Or Gut Shot!
Posted By: TheLatvian (5/8/2012 9:30:15 AM)


No. Just...no.
Posted By: SyntheticDreamer (4/26/2012 6:28:38 PM)


"I accidentally read the title as Raping Poltergeist." - Arachnos

Well, he'll be able to rape anyone from Eager Cadet to Abyssal Persecutor at least once.
Sadly, he'll get away with raping a Little Girl...
Don't let this happen; send in your Deftblade Elites and kill him for good!
Posted By: Mode (9/8/2012 4:55:44 PM)


Dies to Storm Crow ;D
Posted By: AMart83 (7/24/2012 10:49:05 AM)


Not a very good card on it's own, but combine with the red soulbond first striker and you have a scary combo in limited. Plus, with the low amount of removal or pingers in the set, keeps people from attacking with thei bombs.
Posted By: Bufzar (4/29/2012 2:13:45 PM)


Be careful not to underestimate these vanilla creatures guys. Yes, in Constructed they suck. But if they were made good enough for Contructed, they might be a little strong for Limited, and considering they always make this kind of guy COMMON, it is completely fair and reasonable to talk about Limited. Would I want at least haste if this were uncommon? Yeah, probably. Might prefer first strike, given the low toughness.

The point is, this is NOT a card to go solo-ing in without your thinking cap on. It IS 6 extra power you can add to your turn and that's very good if you put it together with the right stuff. In some sense, it's ALREADY a ''living Lava Axe'' that does +1 damage in exchange for being more likely to eat a kill spell of some sort or a chump block. Undying Evil really wants to get to target this, but unfortunately it's set up to never draft together.

I could definitely see Wizards trying to push this model though, and suddenly having it be a celebrate... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (4/30/2012 2:35:35 AM)


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