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Community Rating: 2.971 / 5  (51 votes)
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I agree, Fenix. 1Black seems more appropriate. Though this is replacing Disciple of Griselbrand as my sac-outlet of choice in my B/G deck.
Posted By: Whatyourethinking (4/29/2012 2:03:11 AM)


Question: Can she sac herself?
Posted By: Ranmara (5/8/2012 3:22:55 PM)


Worse than Carrion Feeder outside of tribal vampires, but better than Phyrexian Broodlings, who need one mana to sacrifice each creature and require two swamps to play rather than one. Oddly enough Phyrexian Broodlings is rated higher than this card...
Posted By: N03y3D33R (10/13/2013 9:20:48 AM)


A monster in limited. If you want to effectively remove anything on your opponents side of the board, you have to kill her first. Or don't. Let he grow to monstrous proportions and regret your decision later.
Posted By: StreamHopper (4/30/2012 11:22:27 AM)


her with gravecrawler and another zombie on the field for gravecrawler gy casting would be a nice combo
Posted By: WoWbolt17 (5/11/2012 9:27:11 PM)


Why is this less than 3.0? Free sacrifices that give +1/+1. Combos with other things so well.

I use this in my black/red vampire deck with Act of Treason, Mark of Mutiny, and Traitorous Blood. Three mana to remove a blocker, attack with it (possibly with added +1/+1 or trample), and then sacrifice it to add a +1/+1 to this lady as well as trigger anything that benefits from things dying such as Havengul Vampire and Blade of the Bloodchief.

Also correct me if I am wrong, but if you steal an enemy's regenerating creature and sac it, it can't be regenerated right? And you can use any abilitys the stolen creature has before murdering it, unless it requires a mana you don't have.

Removing the blocker also makes it easier for vamps like Stromkirk Noble, Nloodcrazed Neonate, Havengul Vampire, Falkenrath Exterminato... (see all)
Posted By: Endymion107 (2/14/2014 4:17:35 PM)


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