Myr Superion is going to spike in price from its current 50 cents on MTGO 9/23/11 to at least 3 tix IMO. This is the real deal.Follow me on Twitter Heitah.
Posted By:
(9/23/2011 10:59:37 AM)
This Gravecrawler Diregraf Captain you win?
Posted By:
(10/5/2012 12:13:07 AM)
Hmmmm... I wonder if ther'll be a tempered steel variant splashing black for this? Why? Because then you can play Myr Surperion as a 4/5 (or a 6/7 with the Steel) for free!
Posted By:
(10/1/2011 2:05:52 PM)
I was playing in the "Fun" room on MTGO when a jerk starts playing a deck featuring this and Myr Superion. Blocked him for a tournament deck in Fun.
Posted By:
(10/4/2012 7:58:23 AM)
Too much combo potential. Not fun anymore.
Posted By:
(1/20/2014 6:19:17 PM)
lol, can see lot of toys will find the battlefield with this
Posted By:
(9/22/2011 3:51:30 PM)
Turn 4 Titans makes me shudder. This will go way up in price.
Posted By:
(9/22/2011 5:17:39 PM)
This in combination with grand architect could make for an evil deck as they both can cheat myr superion into play not to mention dropping wurmcoil engine for dirt cheap. In fact I think I'll just go pre-order a set right now.
Posted By:
(9/22/2011 6:55:38 PM)
This seems really powerful. For a creature with a huge ETB effect (like Sundering Titan), -1/-1 is nothing while costing 2 less is like everything it needs. Actually, I'd say most creatures costing at least five will benefit from this greatly.
Posted By:
(9/23/2011 12:48:27 AM)
Most of your mid/late plays will have enough P/T to make the size penalty negligible, especially when you reap their additional effects.
A armful of creatures that enjoy the rapid play:
All five titans.
Bloodgift Demon
Moldgraf Monstrosity
Solemn Simulacrum (Tasty ramp, one turn earlier!)
Bloodlord of Vaasgoth (potential 5/5 evasive for three here, and if you can connect with something the turn afterwards, you can spew out big cheap vamps)
Arachnus Spinner (Passes the dismember test even with the size penalty!)
Rune-Scarred Demon (Tutor on turn 4 or 5)
Vengeful Pharaoh (Mono-black awesomeness)
Acidic Slime (Turn three screw your opponent's tempo)
Massacre Wurm (Pop goes the weenies by turn 4)
Myr Superion (Trots out for free!)
autoca... (see all)
Posted By:
(9/23/2011 1:37:19 AM)