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Community Rating: 1.224 / 5  (288 votes)
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Oh come on, you guys are rating it low out of spite. It isn't easy being mythic.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (1/29/2012 10:59:05 PM)


This right here is why I'm not buying any boosters of DW. I would violently evacuate my bowels if I pulled this.
Posted By: blindthrall (1/31/2012 4:55:07 PM)


It should have been: you may shuffle your library.

I mean, even if you cheat cast this early game, it still doesn't do much by itself. I believe this card has potential, but it requires jumping through too many hoops to even come close to breaking it.
Posted By: dberry02 (2/1/2012 2:12:09 AM)


Pulled one of these in the prerelease and didn't even think about using it. Now that its over and I still have the card (was hoping some random collector would want it) I'm trying to find a use for it. The only thing I've got so far is a hilarious interaction with Eye of the Storm.

Seems kind of a long way of doing it, but hey, who knows.
Posted By: Crimson-Arcanum (2/5/2012 10:28:47 PM)



Believe it or not I got two of these in a signe pack a foil and a reg.

lets just say many-a-puppy died that day...

but in a all seriousnes it is the first time i ever get 2 mythics in a single pack and it happned to be the same.. same pile of shi*
Posted By: Duriele (2/8/2012 10:28:58 AM)


At some point, I will play against someone who casts this, and I will respond with False Cure.
Then maybe Hive Mind and Morality Shift. That oughta teach whoever it is not to ever, EVER play this card.
Posted By: Ragamander (2/29/2012 12:31:23 AM)


FUCKING EW. This is the exact reason Dark Ascension is the worst set to draft since Conf(l)ux.
Garrus deserves better for his namesake...
Posted By: Shadoflaam (3/7/2012 5:45:47 PM)


Dear gawd why is it that a card with such awesome flavor gets such a poop effect?
Posted By: kapewpew (3/18/2012 8:47:21 PM)


Why is this a mythic?! I seriously don't get this. In the same set as Havengul Lich, Huntmaster of the Fells, and Drogskul Reaver, we got this crap? .5/5 for being so worthless.
Posted By: dingophone (3/29/2012 5:54:23 PM)


it's definitely a good card to use against a discard deck.
Posted By: stikfigure16 (3/29/2012 7:17:52 PM)


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