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Community Rating: 3.121 / 5  (70 votes)
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interesting...thought for sure this would be lauded as the next Top...maybe I'm way off base. Still, if it's at junk rare prices now, why not be safer than sorrier and pick it up while you can, just in case?
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/27/2012 12:31:27 PM)


Infect with lot's of Proliferate seems to be cynergistic..
Posted By: Mike-C (1/31/2012 9:43:33 PM)


So the problem of Cyclops's and the big eye cards and spiders have been mentioned, but no one mentioned the equally vorthosian problem of a human dying with two of these on the field. That would put two eye counters on each of them, that means you somehow got four eyes off of one poor shmuck... Hmmm....
Posted By: JanusAurelius (2/6/2012 10:41:27 PM)


Nice flavor, R&D...
and will you people stop freaking out about the number of eyeballs the creature has?
Posted By: Phyrexian_Boss (2/7/2012 6:02:56 PM)


Top-notch flavour in a set that's already brimming with it.

As with all slightly oddball cards, though, R&D have been a bit timid in pricing this card. The correct cost would have been 3 to cast and 0 to activate, meaning that although you had to wait a few turns for eyeballs to accrue, you would be able to make use of the card you search for the turn you get it, rather than tapping out just to fetch it.

Still, LOVE the flavour.
Posted By: Wulfsten (2/13/2012 1:15:13 AM)


all you 'players' sayin how 'bad' this card is need to shut up, and recognize this for what it is. its a token EDH decks way to stack their deck easily. example- i have bookoo squirrel tokens cuz im "that guy". day of judgement. aww snap. well, thanks to THIS CARD i can now LEGALLY stack my entire deck. haters, commence hating sequence now.

i really thought that ppl would understand that this card isnt meant for standard or really any format outside of casual. considering theyre printing so many great EDH cards in the whole innistrad block, this shouldnt come as a suprise. now go hate on cards that deserve it! like--> verdigris
Posted By: Hand_Bannana (4/30/2012 11:23:12 AM)


What part of this is bad? Your creatures are going to die during a game so that's free counters on it. Also this card sticks around after you tap and remove counters when many legacy cards have to be sacced for almost the same thing.

This card should be at least a 3.5 if not a 4. You people are insane.
Posted By: wholelottalove (10/11/2012 9:15:49 AM)


The perfect place for this card is in a token based commander deck. Any time someone wraths, it lets you go find the next big token generator and start stacking your deck.
Posted By: Myth042 (1/30/2012 6:34:37 PM)


what i see this card going great in is an Eldrazi spawn deck excuse me while i dig out my Parallel Lives and then what ever else i want
Posted By: lordDeathsBlood (2/10/2012 8:49:12 AM)


@Wulfstein: activation cost should be 0? Really? Then this thing would be pretty much a Skullclamp on steroids!

@Vividice: it kind of depends on your deck, but I don't think Farsight Mask would be much better than this card most of the times. The probably won't come into play before turn 4 at least, and at that point relying on your opponent's creatures and spells to hit you will end up with you dead before you get to use any of your drawn cards. Not to mention people playing mill.

I think this is solid. Maybe a bit to slow for most games, but still very solid.
I got this in a draft with a playset of Dawntreader Elks and lots of undying creatures. Worked pretty well.
Also, it's not a bad trinket for commander if you can't afford a Skullclamp.
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (3/12/2012 12:22:16 PM)


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