Works as an Uncommon. If it was a rare or mythic, I'd expect it to be a bit cheaper. I mean, compare this thing to something like Chandra's Phoenix. Sure, this'll plow through most stuff, but by turn 6 (maybe a turn or two earlier if you're splashing green), I can't foresee it actually doing much effectively.
There are so many more interesting and powerful dragons for 6. Mordant Dragon, Flameblast Dragon, the list goes on. Still, not bad for an uncommon, and fun enough for casual play.
Posted By:
(7/27/2011 1:31:29 PM)
a finisher in limited, I won some games with it when I played 2 in a draft with my friends
Posted By:
(8/3/2011 1:31:50 PM)
Good in limited, bad in constructed.
On the one hand I like reprints, since I can then use the old version. On the other, the concept of "lower rarity = worse card" pretty much sucks.
Posted By:
(7/10/2011 2:32:15 AM)
This card features pretty predominantly in the Sarkhan Vol Duels2012 deck. I've found, through frustrating practice, that the correct move is to remove it ASAP. The deck never seems to hit six mana. I'm not sure what that says about the card when you have more control over your deck construction, but I suspect it won't be an auto-include in red decks. Certainly not bloodthirst decks.
Posted By:
(7/8/2011 5:28:09 AM)
don't get at uncommon: uncommon = more dragons, more copies, more play, more slaughter
Posted By:
(7/8/2011 4:55:33 AM)
Very much worse than Thundermaw, but still a great card. Kind of shows you how busted Thundermaw is.
Posted By:
(7/22/2013 3:58:07 PM)
Should cost 5 instead of 6, but still I wish the Dragonstorm Decks would have to use this dragon. That would have give you some chances at least, that it doesn't result in an insta-win.
Posted By:
(8/3/2011 8:10:49 AM)
hellkite charger is infinitely better
Posted By:
(8/5/2011 9:08:47 PM)