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Predator Dragon lost his appetite.
Posted By: Hayw00d0909 (7/20/2011 4:45:27 PM)


Unlike Thundermaw Hellkite, actually fairly costed. The fact that this is still a 3.6/5 after all of the hideously powerful alternatives have floated around for quite a bit proves that such a mechanic is inherently strong. Haste on a large, evasive body isn't trivial, Wizards. Stop printing STUPIDLY powerful mythics, we're perfectly happy with our well balanced uncommons.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (10/4/2012 10:07:49 PM)


In it will work well as one of your fatties
Posted By: Whitewing (7/10/2011 7:38:57 PM)


:) I've always dug this precursor to Rorix Bladewing, since it used to rival Thorn Elemental and co. as every new player's holographic treasure, oh how the time has flown. Very fitting at uncommon, and not to be underestimated as 4 power, flying and haste can be a game wrecker.
Posted By: Wynzerman (7/14/2011 10:45:36 AM)


Same CMC as Inferno Titan, which hits for 3 the turn it comes down (as opposed to 4 hasty flying) and is thereafter much bigger and keeps blasting out damage.
Posted By: VampireCat (7/14/2011 8:11:16 PM)


badass art is badass.
Posted By: GengilOrbios (7/28/2011 2:55:34 AM)


4.5/5 for its worth in limited, for that great art, and for WotC not re-naming it.
Posted By: BuffJittePLZ (8/29/2011 2:05:23 PM)


Love the art on this card. Not as good as other dragons in terms of ability and mana cost but it is still a descent card.
Posted By: C1455 (7/17/2012 7:25:42 PM)


I think the haste on this guy can be sorely underestimated. Sure he's 1cmc more than a Serra angel, but you'll only be able to attack with her on the 6th turn as well - but the volcanic dragon has the advantage of surprise on that 6th turn. A big, surprise, hasty flying guy like this can do a lot of damage.
Posted By: TastyWumpus (1/13/2013 2:45:25 AM)


I like it that he's an uncommon now. spices up the limited format a lot. Sure, there are better cards, but if you're playing limited you only get to take what's in front of you, and those rares from other sets sure aren't. Would I play this card outside of limited? of course not. All of the other options people have pointed out are better. But it's nice to be able to play such a (relatively) powerful card in draft, and you can potentially get more than 1?

Of course this comment comes late for M12 limited, but this reprint at a lower rarity bodes well for future draft formats as well. Also nice because it can now be included in my friend's relatively powered commons & uncommons cube.

Also I just love haste.
Posted By: Aremath (3/21/2014 4:28:09 AM)


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