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Too expensive for a 3/3 non-flyer. The cool control ability rarely goes off. More often than not I end up discarding it for a boost to Vampire Hounds or Skyshroud Vampire. I love the Quentin Hoover art. What do you think... Does this vampire have a full goate? A Van***? Just the 'stash?
Posted By: Pantheon (10/15/2009 4:43:40 AM)


More Vampires should have this ability. It's very fitting for the whole 'turning' aspect.
Posted By: Vedalken_Arbiter (7/23/2010 6:07:54 PM)


@Pantheon: Oh, a goatee, definitely! It'd suit the 'stache well, I bet. =)

Fun fact: this is only the second vampire that Wizards ever printed! This was the Ice Age team's take on vampirism, and he was the first vampire to join Sengir Vampire's tribe! Woo!

I like this guy - as Vedalken_Arbiter pointed out, vampires converting their victims into new vampires is part of the lore surrounding the creatures, and this was the first Magic card that attempted to convey that. It was a standalone for a long time, too:

- Soul Collector came along almost 8 years later with evasion AND morph for sneakiness factor.
- the next year Mephidross Vampire gave a slightly different mechanic to represent "turning" (although it's odd that your creatures revert to normal when he's gone, if you think about it).
- Kalitas, Bloodchief of Ghet embodies "turning through brute force"... (see all)
Posted By: Leshrac_Nightwalker (12/20/2010 8:37:30 AM)


This + Viridian Longbow + A butt ton of kills spells (ie. Geth's verdict to make them choose what they give you)
Posted By: Boakes2047 (6/5/2011 11:55:07 AM)


Vamps were made for banding.
Posted By: Psychrates (3/7/2012 4:39:35 PM)


Fantastic art. But then, it's Quinton Hoover. I love his stark, well-defined lines, kind of an anti-Drew Tucker.

Also, a "realistic" vampire. Bloody business.

Creature's rather meh. No evasion is fine, you want a higher chance of this being blocked, but should have been 4/4.
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (3/9/2012 6:40:51 PM)


for some reason i always pictured him as having a fu manchu
Posted By: doolydooly (12/27/2009 4:37:26 PM)


naw, he rocks the goat for sure.
Posted By: Arthindole (2/25/2010 8:57:37 PM)


Mexican Vampire
Posted By: Kryptnyt (11/26/2012 6:45:21 AM)


New cards like time to feed might work with this. Pump him up somehow with cards like forced adaptation
Posted By: DwarvenLieutenant (5/29/2014 12:44:02 AM)


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