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Community Rating: 3.944 / 5  (63 votes)
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No, a player with no lands can block him. The ability triggers after the block is declared. And while this may not be the best green beater, it's worth playing just to force a difficult decision. Stress them out to win the game.

I'm in yo forest, tentacle raping ur trees.
Posted By: blindthrall (7/20/2011 4:10:04 AM)


It triggers only once per combat.

Give it a Quietus Spike for a damned if you do, damned if you don't attacker.
Posted By: Atali (10/15/2011 2:19:07 AM)


I don't get how this card is sub-par to Deus of Calamity. They virtually do the same thing, yet the trigger for this is much more enticing--block or sac... as opposed to block and it won't get sacked. Yea, I get that a 5 mana drop for a 6/6 with trample is better than for a 4/4 with no trample at the same cost, but unless you're playing mono red, mono green, or R/G, then the Deus is useless to you do to restrictions in casting cost. Think about it this way too, Thresher beast was in a extended with the Urza's block... meaning a Rancor drop makes this guy just That much better. Now I've got a 6/4 trample with block and you can kiss your land good-bye and probably your creature too... and, perhaps, STILL take damage! I'm aware there's a whole bunch of goodies around the sets the Deus was released in, but all in all, can i get the same rating on the two of them?! They both do their part equally and there's ple... (see all)
Posted By: raptorman333 (12/2/2011 6:59:24 AM)


may provoke feelings of uncertainty and despair, especially when coupled with a Lure.
Posted By: blastodermis (8/15/2009 7:22:59 PM)


Pair with Venomous Breath as well as lure for more destruction. Keeping in mind that even though its 5 mana, thats on a green where green cards can typically generate all sorts of mana from elves, to orochi's. You could potentially have this card out on the field by turn 3 or 4.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (8/20/2009 9:54:58 PM)


in a land destroy-deck, your opponent can't block him
Posted By: Knoedel (7/9/2009 1:28:46 PM)


4/4 mostly unblockable for 5 is mediocre
Posted By: KrosanGardener (8/8/2009 11:58:36 AM)


This guy is quite effective. I play him in two of my simpler decks, and I'm very rarely disappointed when I draw one.
Posted By: SleetFox (2/22/2010 3:20:19 PM)


good green card, happily does his thing whether with some pals or on his own, typical Timmy green card.
Posted By: Wormfang (1/29/2011 2:49:36 PM)


Decent card, not to mention its flavour text is amazing.
Posted By: Delixu (4/22/2011 12:42:09 PM)


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