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This card is just brutal in mono-green EDH decks. I've lost many a Commander games to this spell being played, oh, just after I declare "no blocks."
Posted By: thorjy (8/8/2011 4:44:15 PM)


Far too expensive to be all that great unless of course your playing it in EDH, then its epic.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (7/2/2009 5:04:10 PM)


Well, It appeals to me to pump my creatures as much as this ... but the card is simply way too expensive. You'd be way better off casting a Titanic Ultimatum instead, since it gives your creatures trample, first strike & lifelink, enabling you to gain a massive advantage if your opponent isn't sitting with a Fog in his/her hand
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (11/2/2009 2:05:42 PM)


"Oh, my opponent left NINE mana open, and now attacks with all creatures. I wonder what he might be up to.
Certainly nothing insidious. Probably he just wants me to use my removal spell of one on his attacking creatures, so he can cast a Krosan Colossus after combat. Ha, i won't fall for that! Now at first i think i'll just leave a bunch of his smaller creatures unblocked and take the tad of damage..."

It doesn't help much that this spell is an instant, it's barely a surprise.
And if you really want to use this in your opponent's turn as a mass Righteousness,
i'd advise to use Hold the Line instead.

I agree it's a flavorful card and i remember being overly amazed about it as a new player. But that's about it.
There are lots of better finishers of that kind.

Oh yeah, the days were you just played with your crappy decks against friends with other crappy decks and from time to time used to have ridiculous... (see all)
Posted By: Mode (8/8/2011 11:01:02 AM)


firstly, if this is in someone's deck, they should always leave nine mana open, regardless of this being in their hand or not. it's just good tactics.

secondly, this being an instant provides tons of flexibility; which also justifies the cost.

thirdly, the cc demands ramp; but, green is all but willing too provide, anyway.

that said, while this card is far from unplayable, I would still take others over this.
Posted By: TrazocW (9/14/2011 7:07:58 PM)




lol Hold the Line
Posted By: MrBarrelRoll (2/6/2011 10:31:51 PM)


overrun > this
Posted By: mdakw576 (5/10/2011 1:51:57 AM)


I remember a casual mono-green deck with elves and saprolings and strong mana acceleration (Gaea's Cradle, Priest of Titania, and similar); the standard way to finish was this + Overrun. This is a really Timmy combo...

Creatures you control get +10/+10 and trample until end of turn.

Competitive Magic is amazing, but casual funny games are too!
Posted By: Paolino (6/29/2012 7:33:59 AM)


Cast off Mosswart Bridge for Green, win, and for the rest of your life your friends will fear and loathe Moswart Bridge as intensely as they fear your Flying Spaghetti Monster. Then quietly remove it from your deck.
Posted By: Salient (12/7/2012 1:32:02 PM)


Wow, your opponent is going to wish he blocked more of your creatures.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/30/2013 10:09:09 AM)


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