An efficient beater that protects itself and can be pitched to Force of Will? Seems good.
Posted By:
(10/17/2013 7:50:28 PM)
Aqueous Form .. problem ?
Posted By:
(11/13/2013 5:51:46 AM)
If you're rating this any lower than 5/5 stars, then you have either not been playing Magic for long enough or you have never had this played against you. Easily one of the best aggro creatures ever printed (only beat out by Goyf in Modern format). Although he's a blue and white creature, he's truly a Red creature at heart.
Posted By:
(11/26/2013 9:35:23 AM)
There are few three-drops that elicit the levels of fear that GoST does. What an insane card.
Posted By:
(3/21/2014 1:01:43 PM)
This guy is great in legacy, just Karakas him back to your hand in resp to blockers and recast.
Posted By:
(4/13/2014 4:39:55 PM)