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If you can use mana for activated abilities, then T6 Ludevic's Test Subject. Alternately, if you can use the lands' non-mana-producing activated abilities, then Glistener Elf + Pendelhaven is T6.

Kruin Outlaw and Instigator Gang are T7 when transformed. An Allosaurus Rider played on T1 is a T6.

Also, loophole exploitation: On T5, cast 4 Pact of the Titans and Urabrask, the Hidden, then swing with Urabrask and all 4 of your Titans for T5 game. Pact of the Titan is not casting a creature, and you are not using the lands for anything other than casting the creature. Alternately, Summoner's Pact + Progenitus + Blazing Shoal + Glistener Elf is a T2. Heck, two Blazing Shoals, two Summoner's Pacts or Progenituses, and any... (see all)
Posted By: Axelle (12/26/2011 9:43:06 PM)


Flesh Reaver is turn 7.
So is Maro.
Wild Nacatl hits for 2 then 3s and gets there on t7. Rogue Elephant does 1 point of overkill damage as does Scythe Tiger.
Dandân is t7
Primordial Hydra t7 (4-2, 5-4, 6-8, 7-16)
Old Fogey is t8...
Adamaro is t6
For an 8 year old kid who is 10 feet tall, Avatar of Me will kill on t6
Coiling Woodworm is really fast if everyone drops forests. t6
7 zombies in hand? Ghastly Remains works for you on turn 6
Suck at magic? Gus is a turn 4.
Jumbo Imp can turn 5 with luck.
Molten Sentry can turn 7.
Skyshroud War beast can attack for 4, 5, 6, then 7 on turn 6 on the draw against nonbasic lands.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (9/14/2011 9:37:58 AM)


I can do it fast-ish.
Turn 1: Land, exile 3 Elvish Spirit Guide (I'm not cheating, I'm bending the rules). Play Elvish Piper
Turn 2: Exile last spirit Guide, tap the piper for Progenitus
Attack turn 3 and 4.
I only used the land once, to play a creature, and then paid it's activation cost with mana from another source

Also, Vexing Devil can t6 if you assume that they don't make you sac it.
Posted By: swords_to_exile (4/28/2012 9:13:07 PM)


shotoku, you and many others appear to have forgotten about one of the critical conditions in the original challenge. " on each turn you play a basic land, you may cast one creature in total, and cannot use the land for anything other than casting the creature." (emphasis mine)
Posted By: NoobOfLore (7/22/2013 8:50:38 AM)


T0: Leyline of Anticipation, Mox Sapphire, Mox Jet, Mox Ruby, Tinker (Blightsteel Colossus), Unnatural Speed.
T1: Island, Attack, Win.
Posted By: AgentPaper (3/16/2012 10:19:00 PM)


If using the abilities isn't a problem, Mindshrieker can win turn three assuming a gleemax on the top of my library.

I know artifacts are against the rules, but if I cast isochron scepter as my "creature" and imprint Research // Development on it, I think a turn five is possible. Actually, if the rules were changed to allow any one card instead of just creatures, would there be anything truly noteworthy?

You could turn eight with luminarch ascension.

Nature's revolt is a turn seven.

With Karn liberated I can +4 two malignus out of my hand and proceed to restart the game for an incredibly stupid technically turn one win... I guess this is why we initially only allowed for creatures.
Posted By: FurnaceOfRath (2/16/2013 5:39:41 PM)


Blue just got the fastest racing creature in Magic printed in Innistrad. o.O

Scab Ruinator. Turn 5 kill (cast from grave turn 1 after discarding it)

TTThe F-F-F-F-UUUUUU-----? BLUE gets the best creature?

didn't see that one coming :P The Color Pie is dead.

buh. roh. kuhn.
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/6/2011 9:45:50 PM)


spawnwrithe is a turn 6 win
jenara ashura of war is turn 6 too
Posted By: Odium1995 (9/6/2011 9:35:31 AM)


Cragganwick Cremator can get it done turn 5 if you're lucky enough to discard Emrakul

EDIT: Assuming the Goldfish doesn't understand how to block I think a Hunted Horror could T5 as well.
Posted By: MightySqueeth (2/12/2013 8:25:22 AM)


Tinker, Blightsteel Colossus. Turn 4 win.
Posted By: clockword44 (4/27/2013 10:22:11 PM)


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