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Community Rating: 4.111 / 5  (90 votes)
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1234 >
Kargan Dragonlord can do it turn 6.
T1 Mountain
T2 ~
T3 3 levels swing for 2
T4 4 levels swing for 4
T5 1 level, 4 pump, swing for 12
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/15/2012 10:20:58 PM)


My favorite vanilla creature!
Posted By: Vividice (2/5/2013 1:36:40 PM)


Wooly Thoctar VS Leatherback Baloth!

Posted By: Arachnos (2/11/2013 12:12:16 PM)


Meh I'd rather stick to Loxodon Smiter.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (2/17/2013 12:31:03 PM)


Love it. Love it love it love it. Prefer to Leatherback Baloth
Posted By: steinburger1109 (3/2/2013 10:11:25 PM)


Markov Blademaster - T6

Student of Warfare- T5
Posted By: The_AC (3/13/2013 7:26:52 PM)


Turn 5 - Hunted Horror although that's relying rather heavily on your opponent literally being a goldfish, which is probably a bit much.

If you're very lucky you can do it turn 6 with Wolf-Skull Shaman.

Besides those (and others mentioned in other comments) I'm struggling to find any that do it in less than 7.

Many of you seem to have missed the clause 'You cannot use the lands for anything other than casting the creature'. Really this means that you can't spend mana for anything else at all as the two other ways to get mana are creature abilities (which would only be useful if that creature had a separate game winning ability that costs only marginally more mana which would be broken) and 0 mana accelerators such as Black Lotus which are technically not against the rules laid out, but 4 black lotuses into Blightsteel Colossus is a cheap way to win turn 2). So let's assume you can't spend mana for ANYTHING other than casting the creature

Th... (see all)
Posted By: JJBrazman (3/6/2014 5:53:18 AM)


Missed the point last time, i'll try harder this time.

Turn 1- Plains, Hada Freeblade.

Turn 2- Island, Halimar Excavator, Mill 2

Turn 3- Island, Halimar Excavator, Mill 6 more (3 for each Halimar) (8 in total so far.)

Turn 4- Island, Halimar Excavator, Mill 12 more (4 for each excavator), (20 in total so far), Another Halimar, Mill 20 more (5 for each excavator) (40 so far)

Turn 5- Plains, Any ally creature to mill for 24 more card, 6 from each excavator, and that should be 64 cards.

If i can use a Harabaz Druid...

Turn 1- plains, Freeblade.

Turn 2- forest, Druid.

Turn 3- island- Halimar, mill 3, Tap the druid for 3 blue and the last land for another halimar, mill 8 (11 so far), and then a third Halimar mill 15 (26 so far)

Turn 4- 3 lands and five from the druid makes 8 mana. 4 of it for another excavator mills 24 more, (50 so far) and another ally mills another 28 for a total of 78, milling out your deck, sideboard, and 3 favorite cards on ... (see all)
Posted By: Leo...Preliator (3/25/2014 7:51:04 PM)


T1: Fetch, Search for Forest, Wild Nacatl
T2: Sacred Foundry, Bloom Tender
T3: Plains, Woolly Thoctar, Tarmogoyf, Lightning Bolt
T4: Swing for 14.
Posted By: Gallega123 (5/11/2014 7:01:02 PM)


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