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Awesome... I'd bet they'll make the other half of Doubling Season before too long. Both abilities on one card is insanely powerful and I can see why they wouldn't want to reprint it. Unless they break it in half and make it two seperate cards.

Doubling Season doesn't double the counters put on a planeswalker as the cost of an ability (If an effect would place one or more counters on a permanent you control). I agree though, a planeswalker that starts with double counters is ridiculous. I wouldn't have a problem with excluding them.

Enchantment - 3G
If an effect would place one or more counters on a non-planeswalker permanent you control, it places twice that many of those counters on that permanent instead.

That would be awesome. Just watch out for Black Sun's Zenith.

I doubt an aura can be attached to a creature if it is a creature. Just use Opalescence, you won't even lose your lands that way.
Posted By: SwordOfKaldra (2/2/2012 12:21:25 AM)


Another card that would be great in my Token zombie mill deck but again it's green while my deck is black blue.
Posted By: Tryffin (2/21/2012 7:06:27 PM)


Will this be countered by Torpor Orb? Cause if it won't, I will never be afraid of decks running Massacre Wurms anymore
Posted By: Kesth (3/17/2012 7:23:14 AM)


this with Elvish Proemenade/autocard
Posted By: Riki1232 (3/22/2012 6:24:37 PM)


Add this to an Eldrazi deck, with about 3 Awakening Zones, 2 Spawnsire Of Ulamog s, and a lotta Brood Birthing s, and you will soon have a million Eldrazi spawn to sacrifice and aid your Spawnsires in thier plight to bring in all Eldrazi from outside the game.
Posted By: worldslayer414 (3/31/2012 7:36:41 AM)


Why has no one mentioned Rite of Replication yet?

10 copies of a creature once kicked?
Posted By: TheTorq (4/2/2012 8:31:18 PM)


this will basically be the trophy wife of many token decks.
Posted By: Pigfish99 (6/15/2012 5:06:58 PM)


T4: Parallel Lives
T5: Tree of Redemption
T6: Feed the Pack
Posted By: Tapir (7/3/2012 2:33:38 PM)


Now if only we could get a card that did the other half of Doubling Season.

If an effect would place one or more counters on a permanent you control, it places twice that many of those counters on that permanent instead.
Posted By: DeckMechanic (7/12/2012 9:46:37 AM)


I'm thinking of putting someone Rootbound Crags into my Goblin Token deck to include some of these. So I can use them on Krenko's Command and Krenko, Mob Boss's abilities. I'm already using Fervor and Goblin Chief for haste.
Posted By: GoldenTemples (7/17/2012 4:55:55 AM)


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