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Should've been "Discard a card, then draw a card" or cost 1R or... SOMETHING that doesn't completely suck. :/
Posted By: Feralsymphony (7/6/2012 12:01:19 PM)


you guys are really over looking the fact that it's fantastic for goblin tribal. especially when you want to draw out to get to that tar pitcher or goblin grenade and toss this retard anyway. also, like c0d3br34k3r ssaid, use with Squee.
Posted By: raptorman333 (9/24/2012 10:04:27 AM)


This goblin gets you the cards you need especially if you are a pro like me and know which cards to discard.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/5/2012 2:52:30 AM)


Posted By: Purple_Shrimp (7/5/2012 9:41:50 PM)


Well... they're trying at least. But this is still garbage and if they keep making cards like this Red will simply never bother. Think of it this way: You are spending three mana to get a 1/1 that, IF he survives the turn, will allow you to discard a card (-1) to draw a card (+1). Even in Limited this guy will be a very low pick simply because it just doesn't do enough fast enough. Truly, I would have loved to have seen it at 1R or even RR, but at this cost it's little better than Mad Prophet, another looting card no one plays.
Posted By: Eternal_Blue (7/7/2012 3:23:58 AM)


For Christ's sake!

If you're going to transfer looting from blue to red, don't also make it worse! This guy should cost {1}{R}, like his blue forebears Merfolk Looter and Thought Courier.
I know its not EXACTLY the same effect, but come on, the difference is miniscule AND actually makes it slightly worse (if this ability is countered, you still lose a card).
Posted By: Atali (7/7/2012 11:39:46 PM)


i got either
throw away some junk
or get myself some
arms dealers
Posted By: Notchism (7/20/2012 8:55:40 PM)


Discard Worldfire: Draw Spelltwine.
Posted By: Purplerooster (4/22/2013 8:41:34 PM)


red draw spell= Wheel of fortune
Posted By: Conservator (5/10/2013 9:07:24 PM)


The biggest thing about looters is they help you dig through the bad stuff in the mid-late game. You drop the chaff and get something else. This is extremely helpful for newer players especially because it helps deal with the problems of mana-screw in either direction.

Too little mana in the deck? Pitch one of those cards you can't cast!
Too much? Get rid of that nasty land for a nice usable card :)

Whenever you use this ability; you feel good; even if you drew another unusable card; because you know that you were another turn in the hole without this ability!
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/5/2014 3:59:37 PM)


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