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Community Rating: 3.954 / 5  (151 votes)
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This thing is so obscenely big, my inner Timmy suffered a stress fracture.
Posted By: GracefulInferno (9/29/2012 6:54:22 PM)


Call me cray-cray, but i think this guy could be easily casted using druid's repository. He's just too dang rad to not be used.
Posted By: moldy_jones (10/25/2012 6:21:30 PM)


First response:

DAAAAFUUUUQ???????!!!! O.o

Second response:

Power Creep is Stupid.

THIRD response, cuz I STILL don't believe you can get 30 power across 4 creatures in one card...that you're allowed to play 4 of...in a world with Unburying Rites:

WAIT. ACTUALLY. They are simply restoring the Color Pie to it's rightful place :P
Colorless should not get BOTH Emrakul, the Aeons Torn AND Wurmcoil Engine. Unless Green gets something that ****s them both X.X

Parallel Lives. You're welcome.
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/28/2012 9:39:47 PM)


Okay, before I launch into my rant about this card, allow me to go over the good points. Green has been lacking in "stupidly big creatures" for a while imo, so it's nice to see that gap filled. Perfect name, and the art is breathtaking.
Despite this, I have many problems with this card.
Firstly, why the hell isn't this thing legendary? You expect me to buy that Ravnica, a flourishing city plane, has MULTIPLES of these things running around? Really.
Secondly, I really don't like that this wurm, which has nothing special about it other then the fact that it's massive, is equal to Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, a primordial cosmic destroyer, in strength? That doesn't really add up to me. Emrakul SHOULD be the biggest creature in Magic, and should remain the biggest so that he's special and always holds a place in people's hearts. With this thing, odds are there are more 15/15s or bigger on the way, which means Emrakul is quickly being dethroned. That makes me sad.
Finall... (see all)
Posted By: GruesomeGoo (10/1/2012 12:44:44 PM)


Stupidly big card. Just stupidly big.

We all agreed that the Eldrazi were stupidly big, That's their thing. We don't need MORE stupidly big things for people to cheat into play.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (9/26/2012 4:41:48 PM)


Pithing Needle plus this would make an amazing reanimator target
Posted By: maxmwb (8/13/2013 2:08:36 AM)


For when you want to play more than one Emrakul.
Posted By: General_Naga (9/26/2012 4:11:43 PM)


This guy should have the Eldrazi creature type, just for giggles. You'll be crying if you pull him in limited, though.. such a waste of a mythic.
Posted By: Zetan (9/26/2012 6:59:23 PM)


Pros like me will find a way to cheat this in and then we won't care if it gets killed because 3 5/5 wurm tokens with trample are pretty good around these parts, as well.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/27/2012 10:34:34 PM)


Posted By: chrome_dome (1/14/2013 8:19:27 AM)


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