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Community Rating: 3.953 / 5  (138 votes)
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It's a 1/1 for a hybrid mana.
He's a free +1/+1 counter-giving sorcery if he's in your graveyard.
His flavor text is great.

All those together make him a must-have for my green decks. But the one thing that really makes me want him?

His creature type. Plant Zombie is just freaking hilarious.
Posted By: Diachronos (10/6/2012 1:04:29 AM)


Oh sh!t; the Divider Heads from Dead Space have invaded Ravnica!

(alternate entry)

Loltroll's favorite snack

(Real entry)

I predict that this guy is going to see a lot of play in standard and just play in general, even with the most vicious piece of graveyard hate printed since Bojuka Bog. (Seriously, F*CK Bojuka Bog) A Loltroll with a steady supply of Slitherheads is about as good as an Arcbound Ravager with a steady diet of Arcbound Stingers and Arcbound Wrokers, and that combo was good enough to win tournaments. Just getting rid of your opponents creatures won't do you a whole lot of good when that creature's power and toughness just spread to another one, and it's that this guy does it for so cheap that makes him so good.

And seeing... (see all)
Posted By: DaMaster012 (10/8/2012 8:32:33 PM)


I wonder if Uncle Dragi is related to Uncle Istvan?
Posted By: Lord_Ascapelion (10/28/2012 10:02:34 PM)


Would have loved to see this guy as a 2/1 with a B/G hybrid scavenge cost instead. It's a great scavenge card, but in decks that might use it (such as with Splinterfright) scavenging it does almost nothing most of the time, and if you have multiple Splinters out, it actually hurts more than helps. Still, one of the few worthwhile cards with the "scavenge" ability.
Posted By: surewhynot (11/22/2012 12:49:15 PM)


Umm, Splinterfright decks wouldn't use this... it has no particular synergy with that creature to be honest. Self-mill might like it to grab the odd counter, but really it's meant to be a chump blocker that provides a small permanent boost later on.

Also, Skullbriar would love this guy. The whole damn mechanic, in fact.
Posted By: psychichobo (12/13/2012 4:43:42 PM)


When Rakdos is finally on the defensive (running out of steam) and attempting to NOT unleash their guys...using Slitherhead as a combat trick on the OPPONENTS BLOCKER for the kill is definitely a great option. Especially for 0.

In commander +1/+1 counters are rampant (i.e. Karador, Ghost Chieftan & Skullbriar, The Walking Grave as psychichobo & others mentioned). This could also be easily used against any UNDYING "duderguys."
Posted By: MattLynn (12/14/2012 4:59:08 AM)


My golgari deck's turn one, always. 4 of these in your graveyard and 2 or more Corpsejack Menace out = pain
Posted By: Racnornam (12/17/2012 8:28:04 AM)


@Hercynian: "Scavenge only as a sorcery."

No combat tricks. Sorry.

The card itself is cool, just about the only playable Scavenge IMO. Reminds me of Basking Rootwalla.
Posted By: MacBizzle (1/28/2014 10:23:02 PM)


Infinite scavenge efficiency...!!?
Posted By: Petertracy (5/10/2014 5:04:36 AM)


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