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Love how he is insta-kill combo with himself. Think I'm making this.
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (10/23/2012 7:30:39 AM)


I have a feeling counter burn may soon become a viable standard deck, sadly this majestic bastard may not be joining that bandwagon :( Oh well, EDH and casual players everywhere are basking in your resplendent aura my liege :)
Posted By: TheManakinTransfer (9/25/2012 5:32:31 PM)


The more i play this card, the more i love it. Saved me from the toughest of situations.

Don't listen to what others say, he sure doesn't have patience for those that do not inspire him or explode trying.

Posted By: Hakkology (2/23/2013 7:02:56 AM)


I prefer the old Niv-Mizzet, to be honest.
Posted By: Tiggurix (9/26/2012 7:56:08 AM)


Combine this with Niv-Mizzet the Firemind...SUPAH NIV-MIZZET CAMBOH!
Posted By: Daybreak57 (8/19/2013 10:46:54 AM)


This is, in my opinion, much lamer than the original Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind. Sure, it's bigger, and probably has a more relevant ability, but the original was so original and comboable, this one just says "deal damage." Still a cool card, but not as cool as the original
Posted By: Superllama12 (9/25/2012 6:47:22 PM)


I'm voting better than Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind because each time this guy can hit your opponent, you draw 5 cards O.o I heard that's pretty good.
He also has flying good god.
EDIT: okay so he only gets you 1 card when he swings. That takes all the fun out of it. =( His ping ability might be better if it wasn't double colored mana. After thinking that over I figure that the original Niv-Mizzet is better because it is easier to use and to abuse. This card doesn't seem that great to me anymore =(
Posted By: shotoku64 (9/27/2012 2:46:40 PM)


Take a perfectly good rare, slap on +1/+1, give it slightly different abilities, and call it a day. Yup, that is one way to crank out a mythic.
Posted By: lolcatonahottinroof (9/26/2012 4:14:42 PM)


Infinitely better than the old version. Niv-Mizzet 2.0 will see tournament play.


@Ferlord and anyone who thinks Niv-Mizzet the Firemind's combo compatibility means something when evaluating Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius' standard potential:

Just because Niv-Mizzet the Firemind combos with curiosity/eye of ophidian to deal damage equal to the number of cards in your deck, doesn't make it good. That combo is super slow and not resilient compared to number of other modern legal combos (I.E. exarch-twin or storm), which is why the stricly worse combination of Niv+Curiosity sees no play.

Outside of being a clunky combo piece, Niv1.0 is just annoyingly anti-synergistic with itself: a fairly large flyer you don't want to attack with (because then you can't tap to draw a card).

Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius on the other hand is just fantastic control deck win condition. It can race really well if needed (kills in 3 attacks no problem), it can shoot down weenie hordes, it can br... (see all)
Posted By: Zenzei (9/26/2012 4:56:05 PM)


horrible design
Posted By: Purple_Shrimp (9/26/2012 10:41:05 PM)


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