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Pros like me know that this Niv-Mizzet is definitely better than the old one. This one deals much more damage and gives you much more card advantage so I don't think it is even a contest.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/27/2012 2:45:01 AM)


Funny thing about the Legend Rule: it doesn't work the same for creatures as Planeswalkers.

I.E. you can have a Firemind and a Dracogenius out at the same time.

I know that Curiosity breakes the Firemind. I'd be interested if anyone knows of a card that can break Dracogenius in exactly the same way:

Equipment or Aura:

"Whenever you draw a card, (equipped creature deals)/(enchanted creature deals) 1 damage to target creature or player"

??? Does this exist? Will such a card be made in this block? ???
Posted By: DarthParallax (9/30/2012 8:43:31 PM)


Won me every prerelease game that he hit the battlefield during. The ping for a card draw is insane and then swinging for 5 and an additional card is just brutal. Cast him on turn 6-7, if you have left over mana ping at the end of their turn. Then continue to hold those essence backlashes and if you don't need to use that, ping em some more at the end of the turn to draw more lands for more pings and cards for more combos.

This card is supremely pro and anyone who denies it or thinks that he wont see major standard/tourney play is severely mistaken. 5/5, put two in every U/R deck, especially since card advantage is the name of the izzet game. Ties with trostani for best guild leader.
Posted By: Vakyoom (9/30/2012 4:18:10 AM)


I recently played both Niv-Mizzets in one deck a few times. I realized quickly I was not utilizing Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind as well as I could by a long shot.

Dracogenius' dubious advantage is in that he is somewhat more durable. He's better able to defend himself (and you) right off the bat (drawing cards for you and blowing up little buggers), and is able to funnel mana rampery into big direct damage. Unfortunately he lacks the incredible combo power (and reliable damage) that Firemind has, and Firemind can still use his abilty when all your mana is tapped.

The "add +1/+1 to make him comparable" was first off unsuccessful, and secondly kind of uninspired, particularly considering even his name implies cleverer rather than simply beefier gameplay. If it caused you to draw cards equal to damage dealt by him (so 5 cards if he swings) would be the level of horrific I would expect, but no, it's instances of dealing damage.

I like the art of this version M... (see all)
Posted By: Hepatizon (9/22/2013 5:58:09 PM)


Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius, Mind over Matter, & Izzet Boilerworks for instant win.
Posted By: Battleguild (9/25/2012 10:29:53 PM)


Mind Over Matter still combos with Dracogenius, you just need a mana source that produces UR. Two Gilded Lotus would work nicely (effectively "Discard 2 cards: Draw 3 cards")

@ Zenzei. I must disagree with you on one point. In multiplayer Consecrated Sphinx will almost always be the best use of 6 mana. The following (or the same turn) you can cast any handcycling card to draw half of your library - not to mention netting 6 cards just from peoples draw steps.

That said, there's a lot of excellent reasons to play this version as your commander in EDH over Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind, many of which you articulated quite well. I sometimes find myself with no cards in hand and a lot of mana. In that situation Dracogenius is a much more helpful permanent to have in play. That unfortunate situation doesn't happen often but it would be nice to have that insurance.

BUT, the infinite combos with Firemind, althou... (see all)
Posted By: RowanKeltizar (9/26/2012 10:09:48 PM)



You don't draw cards equal to the damage dealt. You draw cards when ever he deals damage. Which means, regardless of how much damage he does, you will always draw 1 card. Now with his ping ability, this counts as multiple instances of him dealing damage so each time you activate it to hurt a player you draw a card each time.
Posted By: Yozuk (9/27/2012 12:04:52 PM)


Bolas and Niv should duke it out. Also, we've had too much Bolas in the new sets, it's time for some Niv.
Posted By: EnV (9/28/2012 4:02:13 PM)


not as synergistic/comborific as the original, but better in a vacuum
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (9/28/2012 7:44:49 PM)


I seriously think this guy is smarter than Jace. All four of them.
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (9/28/2012 10:04:23 PM)


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