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I am quite sure that such card does not exist, but you can have both, Firemind and Dracogenius in play at the same time. They won't create infinite combo, but instead of 1 damage for 1 card you will get 2 damage for 1 card. Then again, there is not so much point in having both since all you need is Firemind.
Doubt such card would be made, because it just makes anything into a Firemind and then you slap Curiosity on it.
There is UB combination you might abuse, Jace's Erasure + Bloodchief Ascension. But its easier just to build a UB deck around it.
Posted By: Afael (10/1/2012 2:49:51 AM)


If he loves people's minds exploding, he'll love it when people see dracogenius and the firemind in play simultaneously.
Posted By: mdakw576 (10/5/2012 3:59:18 PM)


I'm wondering if he'd be good in standard as a finisher in an Izzet deck that revolves around Guttersnipe, Snapcaster Mage and lotsa other spells. It's a six drop, a slot that was recently vacated by the Titans. I may give it a spin at FNM.
Posted By: RxPhantom (10/5/2012 7:05:45 PM)


This guy can even draw you cards when he damages you with Rakdos Charm for instance.
Posted By: Purplerooster (10/8/2012 7:10:54 AM)


Don't like as much as his older self.
Drawing extra cards is really only awesome if you can play them down.
Still, do like more than Shivan Hellkite.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (10/8/2012 10:26:12 AM)


Firemind is a better combo card, but Dracogenius is more powerful overall. I'm convinced he's the only true bomb in the set. He draws you a bunch of cards and burns away your opponent's board. And if you don't have enough mana to kill all the blockers, he flies in for 5.
Posted By: Viltris (10/9/2012 11:15:34 PM)


I guess we'd have to face the fact that this is Timmy-Mizzet, he's great as a standalone card, but not comboable much...

Oh I do miss the Johnny-Mizzet, he turns Electrolyze into a more flexible Lightning Bolt, makes Remand a hellishly annoying card, best of all, Snakeform into one of the best removals ever
Posted By: klauth (10/23/2012 5:08:30 AM)


At first, I was like
"Where's my combo?"
Then I played him, and I was like
"This is fun."
Posted By: alzabo (10/31/2012 7:18:27 AM)


This is a fine, flavorful mythic rare: strong but not omnipotent (that honor goes to Arcanis).
Posted By: Emperorben88 (11/1/2012 12:15:52 PM)


I pulled this from my second booster pack in the Izzet Intro deck. He does great work, being bigger than before and the ability to draw multiple cards while doing damage is always fantastic
Posted By: Seifer447 (11/9/2012 8:25:32 PM)


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