The festival (or FeastEvil) that honours the memory of Heartless Hidetsugu
Posted By:
(10/7/2012 9:04:59 PM)
Pros like me know that half of 1 rounded up is 1, so therefore this enchantment is a killer.
Posted By:
(9/26/2012 10:04:54 PM)
I ran a rakdos lifegain deck in a draft, my opponent could figure out what i was doing, till i dropped two of these, he was like "WUT?"
Posted By:
(11/28/2012 1:17:38 AM)
Cryptborn Horror?
Posted By:
(10/8/2012 4:49:15 PM)
In EDH, Exquisite Blood turn 5 helps mitigate most of the damage done when this drops on turn 6. You take a bigger hit overall when it's your turn, but still come out on top.
5 player match with everyone at 40, this drops:
Opponent 1 loses 20 - you go to 60
Opponent 2 loses 20 - you go to 80
Opponent 3 loses 20 - you go to 100
Opponent 4 loses 20 - you go to 120
Your upkeep - You lose 60.
Final tally from first go-round = 1: 20, 2: 20, 3: 20, 4: 20, You: 60
It shouldn't make it around another turn. If it does, they go 10, 10, 10, 10 and you are at 50.
Posted By:
(12/13/2013 7:12:52 AM)
Really great top end for a black/red deck. You should have them at the same or lower life total by the time you cast it. Assuming you don't die to an untimely backswing or burn spell, you shouldn't have any problem wrapping up the game. And remember, you can always not cast it if it's not a good time to do so.
Posted By:
(10/2/2012 8:51:37 PM)
Fun in Commander, absolutely useless in any other format.
The decks which are trying to race you down to 0 and are worried about you trying to gain life are all low-land aggro/burn decks which will never get six lands into play and certainly won't want this kind of effect on the sixth turn, especially since this doesn't even kill your opponent unless they're at 1.
Posted By:
(10/9/2012 1:03:23 PM)
Wish it costed or less, that way it'd be relatively playable outside of EDH. At least it has absolutely stunning artwork though.
Posted By:
(10/18/2012 1:24:09 PM)
Zeno's Murder Machine.
Posted By:
(10/28/2012 10:07:38 PM)
So in an online draft sim I opened rakdos in the first pack
Then I was passed TWO of these
in the last pack I was pulled a dreadbore
man I wish that was real
Posted By:
(10/31/2012 8:06:21 PM)