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Community Rating: 3.980 / 5  (124 votes)
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*Dragon peeps out from under her wing* Can't you see I'm sleeping here!? Go Away!

*Stupid adventurers keep trying to skirt past her to the other side. The sound of scuffling feet slowly begins to irritate her.*

Awright, that's enough! *As the fifth idiot tries to slip by Sleepy Head leans over and eats an offender in one vicious snap and flattens another under a well placed tail.*

*Half awake now the Dragon hears the sounds of combat at the mouth of her lair. Thoroughly displeased, the Dragon snaps her eyes wide open. In one swift motion the Dragon rapidly uncurls, rises to her feet, and launches herself out the front entrance of her cave into the open sky.*

*Out in the sunlight the Dragon sees naught but carnage below as two armies clash. Following the taste of the mana bonds left in her mouth by the stringy morsel the Dragon's eyes lock on to a mage at the far end of the battlefield.* You're mine. *The Dragon's malicious growl grows to a tremendous roar. She folds her wings... (see all)
Posted By: Flyheight (7/5/2012 5:25:34 PM)


Definitely one of the most flavorful and mechanically interesting creature card in a long time. And it's a one-drop Dragon! Very cool card with great artwork and flavor! 5/5
Posted By: Firenzen (7/15/2012 4:25:49 AM)


But that rainbow one kicked me.
Posted By: Totema (7/6/2012 12:35:39 AM)


Hate all you want. This still won me two matches in an M13 draft. Admittedly, a Ring of Valkas and countermagic was what allowed me to use it. Still a fun and flavorful card. And I just can't bring myself to dislike a 3/3 flying one-drop.

Edit: Now that Dragon's Maze is out, this Dragon might just see the love it deserves. By love, I mean that she will be eaten by Lotleth Troll to make him stronger, just to end up as dinner a second time, scavanged by Varolz
Posted By: Whales (5/13/2013 10:07:30 AM)


Awful. No Shroud or other protections render this poor sleepy bastard almost useless. MAYBE with Increasing Savagery, but that's still a very vulnerable strategy. I don't like this one. Thundermaw is 20x better.
Posted By: True_Mumin (7/15/2012 8:41:33 AM)


Increasing Savagery
Posted By: Voldrin (7/16/2012 9:40:02 PM)


In the extreme case, Aggravate.

Really, though, I love the flavor. Going to go fantastically with Gideon Jura in a Boros aggro deck somewhere. Would love to get a few for my casual RG: it combos great with Timbermaw Guide and Blessings of Nature.

Posted By: ereidivh (7/5/2012 8:02:22 PM)


This guy can be unstoppable with the right combos. I am a pro so I will think of some soon.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/5/2012 4:26:33 AM)


Curse of the Nightly Hunt
Posted By: Templar314 (7/8/2012 10:46:32 PM)


Yes it dies to Vapor Snag, but not for long...
Posted By: pedrodyl (7/5/2012 4:38:58 PM)


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