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Community Rating: 3.980 / 5  (124 votes)
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Turn 1a: Let them go first. They play a creature.
Turn 1b: Slumbering Dragon

Turn 2a: They attack. add a counter to Slumbering Dragon.
Turn 2b: Gutshot their weenie 1/1. Play Hunger of The HowlPack. Attack with an 8/8.

Turn 3: Ring of Kolonia, Equip, attack with Trample. :)

Posted By: Delphideck (8/22/2012 11:29:38 AM)


Two cards to try with it in standard come to mind: Fog and Increasing Savagery. They don't actually have to deal damage, they just have to attack.
Posted By: Willieskyeyes (8/28/2012 10:41:25 PM)


A lot of people in my area think that he's garbage. Here's my response to that:
T1: Mountain or G/R land, drop Slumbering Dragon.
T2: Forest or G/R land, play Forge Devil, kill himself or another X/1, then play Hunger of the Howlpack.
T3: Miracle Blessings of Nature, Assault Strobe, swing with a 10/10 flyer with double strike. Or Miracle Blessings of Nature, play another land, swing the 10/10 Dragon, Fling the 10/10 Dragon.

Yes, you were just T3 killed by a Slumbering Dragon.
Posted By: Diachronos (9/22/2012 2:46:34 AM)


Usable with Corpsejack Meance
Posted By: Sour_Diesel (10/2/2012 11:45:20 AM)


@timmyforever You seem to have a problem getting a life.
Posted By: atemu1234 (11/3/2012 4:42:10 PM)


I hear this thing likes to run Amok as it wakes up.
Posted By: ChumleyX (11/30/2012 6:34:12 AM)


I love this guy. He is a fantastic deterrent, especially if playing against a deck that doesn't run removal - rare, but it does happen. Better still is when your opponent forgets about him. In one game, I had him sitting at four counters, and my forgetful opponent chose to attack with a single well-equipped Hovermyr. Unfortunately for them, a 6/7 flyer, while enough to finish me when at 5 life, can't really get past an 8/8. =P Later in the same game, she swung with everything, dropping an extra ten counters onto this guy and letting him devour yet another Sigil of Distinction-equipped Myr.
Posted By: Keldane (12/3/2012 10:37:57 PM)


This card i think is often under estimated, and it saved me a game in a small time FNM.
It was almost mirror match or Rakdos, we both draw our hands and i mulliganed twice, not wanting to mulligan again i go, turn one i play the dragon and don't have anything else to play wtill turn four.
Eventually he keeps attacking at me with shred freaks and cackers bringing my health down, my dragon becomes the 8/8 and i hit him one. then he almost kills me again and my dragon becomes a 12/12 and i swing for lethal . Amazing card.
Posted By: Bravotv (12/27/2012 12:17:40 PM)


I know it's kind of a long combo but I use it with Bloodflow Connoisseur+ undying evil+ Volt Charge/ Grim Affliction.
Posted By: Smoke_Stack (1/5/2013 11:30:04 AM)


This would be the favourite of Viserys Targaryen.
Posted By: Lord_Chanticleer (1/10/2013 1:20:12 PM)


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