Fun is gonna happen.
Posted By:
(7/6/2012 5:31:41 PM)
I love the flavor of this card, and its ability to do crazy things in a reanimator or a sac-and-recur deck. I want 8 of them.
Posted By:
(7/7/2012 12:13:29 PM)
Mechanic/flavor synergy with Mark of Mutiny.
Posted By:
(7/14/2012 8:24:30 AM)
I love it. It combos well with any creature that has a "Die" effect, it triggers "Morbid" so Tragic Slip becomes lethal for almost every creature and if you get to draw cards and gain life? Not to mention get a chump blocker.
My favorite card to sack at the moment is Veilborn Ghoul and Wurmcoil Engine. The Ghoul I like slightly more since it keeps coming back.
Posted By:
(7/19/2012 3:59:52 PM)
Going into my Sedris, the Traitor King EDH deck for sure!
Posted By:
(7/23/2012 12:45:22 AM)
And let's not forget all of the red creature stealing; steal their Wurmcoil Engine, face smash with it, then sac to this lady. You have an 18 point life swing, you have six more cards in hand, a 3/3 Deathtouch, a 3/3 Lifelink, and a 2/1 Wizard. For the cost of 7 or 8 mana and two cards.
Posted By:
(7/27/2012 6:36:01 AM)
Oh Black/White exalted. How I love thee.
There's nothing like sacrificing a 5/5 Akrasan squire for 5 life and 5 cards.
I'm surprised no-one noticed the synergy. This girl can be quite broken with temporary power boosting. Especially of the free kind.
Posted By:
(1/15/2013 7:31:29 PM)
Pretty 98% sure that's a dude.
Posted By:
(7/28/2012 8:52:40 AM)
Birthing Podding into this by saccing a Geralf's Messenger, to then sac the Messenger to the Disciple? Talk about value!
Posted By:
(7/11/2012 8:11:53 AM)
I would so. totally. sell my soul to Bolas to get to work with that hot chick :D
Posted By:
(7/5/2012 10:40:02 PM)