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Turn three: Geist of Saint Traft
Turn four: This, swing for 8.
And then do it again every turn unless someone comes up with a way to answer.
Posted By: chodedestroyer (2/6/2013 10:58:10 PM)


@Wholelottalove: Not even close. Swinging for 2 more every turn can be much more useful than shroud, especially if you're equipping this to a creature that already has shroud or hexproof or if your opponent isn't packing much removal. Strictly better means better in every situation (not which is the better card overall). There are a lot of situations where this is better.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (3/14/2013 11:09:03 AM)


Put this on a Consuming Aberration to buff your creature twice (cast a spell and the +2) and make it unblockable, then swing big on turn 6.
Posted By: T20Mad (3/29/2013 9:04:33 AM)


Depending on what your intentions are, Aqueous Form may be a better alternative.

To point out the obvious, it goes without saying that enchantments like this shine their best in Infect/Cipher decks, or win-con decks like Phage the Untouchable or Master of Cruelties. Voltron decks too I guess to a lesser extent, such as the Silverblade Paladin/Wolfir Silverheart combo.

But anyway, the power pump from this card can be good. It enables infect especially to hit harder. With Aqueous Form or even Distortion strike/Artful Dodge though, the creature becomes unblockable much earlier due to lower mana cost, and as an added bonus, you'll probably have lands left over to cast a counter spell like Turn Aside or Negate if they try to get rid of your creature.

Personally, I'd prefer to use the cheaper, faster u... (see all)
Posted By: MechaKraken (4/11/2014 4:53:20 AM)


Tricks of the Trade has its own niche as the best aura in the game to put on Cephalid Constable. Simply cast the constable on turn 3, put this on it on turn 4, swing, bounce three of their lands. If they don't kill it immediately, you win.

Posted By: OlvynChuru (4/20/2014 10:12:39 AM)


@blindthrall You're going to use rancor in a blue deck?

I think the card was well done; ALL cards with unblockable cost more, or have a drawback, for obvious reasons. any cheaper, and this card would simply be overpower. power boost and unblockable on any creature you choose is not something to be taken lightly.
Posted By: Burningsickle (5/7/2014 8:06:33 PM)


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