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Community Rating: 4.284 / 5  (81 votes)
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This card is bananas!
Posted By: Oblio (8/12/2012 4:09:07 PM)


Broken. Broken.
Posted By: itsandycapp (7/18/2013 2:50:10 AM)


It's the Chord of Calling before Chord of Calling. This needs a reprint!
Posted By: sweetgab (9/29/2013 9:14:03 PM)


it's not banned in Commander, Legacy, Invasion Block, or its own Standard season (Invasion-Odyssey and Mercadian-Invasion). Considering Odyssey Block had Judgment set, a green-white focused set that included an extra non-basic land and the card Mirari's Wake, I'm quite surprised Eladamri's Call doesn't make into the Top Comments for that season.

It's Good and even Great, but I really don't think its banning in Prismatic counts as much for impressive points as you think. Like, Lingering Souls was banned in its Block Format. Which was an interesting Ban and affected people sure, but it wasn't anywhere close to needing to be banned in Standard. The only thing that makes me a little more interested is Prismatic is somewhat of a different animal than Block.

Isn't it a format that forces everyone's deck to be 5-colored? Question: is it "Eternal"- does it start with close to the same card pool as Legacy Vintage before you start factoring bans? Th... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (11/19/2013 3:30:33 AM)


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