Best 1 drop "remove enchantment from game" card =D
Posted By:
(8/20/2012 11:52:13 PM)
And Erase comes to the core set. FINALLY. YAY!
This was LONG overdue. Ever since Color Pie came into play and Disenchant was shifted into Naturalize, actually. White was stripped of the bulk of its ability to handle artifacts, which was odd but not unjustifiable. The problem was, White was given Demystify as a replacement. Even at 1CMC, "destroy target enchantment" is overcosted.
Frankly, this is a lot more reasonable for the cost. It also takes the sting out of White's inability to handle both artifacts and enchantments: sure, Green can get both, but White can do the one REALLY permanently. Oh, and it seems a bit more flavor-appropriate to boot.
Anyway, I wholeheartedly approve of this, even without considering the reintroduction of Rancor. I hope Erase stays the baseline White enchantment removal spell for a long time.
Posted By:
(9/28/2012 8:12:41 PM)
Glad this is back to hose rancor. But Demystify sadly just got outclassed for modern/extended sideboard. They both 5 cent cards...
Posted By:
(12/10/2012 8:45:04 AM)
If it weren't for everyone's comment about Rancor, I wouldn't understand why this doesn't just destroy target Enchantment.
Maybe they thought the Modern metagame needed a second Demystify? Maybe they think that there needs to be one, since Rancor's been reprinted.
On that note, why was Rancor reprinted? Kind of silly to me...
Posted By:
(12/11/2012 10:54:36 PM)
I don't know, clutchcrusher, does Liliana's Shade look like an enchantment to you?
Posted By:
(3/16/2013 1:43:18 PM)
Its the urza's legacy one, but its not THE urza's legacy one.
Posted By:
(4/1/2013 10:35:15 PM)
I really love the new art. It's kind of amazing the feelings artists can evoke simply by drawing pictures. Panning, I'm seeing Innistrad to Lorwyn back to Innistrad.
Posted By:
(6/18/2013 6:36:35 PM)
With the Theros gods this card automatically got better.
Posted By:
(9/26/2013 8:09:51 PM)
This should've been reprinted in M14 to deal with the gods in Standard. Too few ways to get rid of the gods now.
Posted By:
(10/7/2013 6:13:14 PM)
Theros came as close as possible to turning this into Swords to Plowshares.
Posted By:
(11/25/2013 8:43:17 PM)