Huzzah, my army will rejoice for with the power of this ancient stone we can cheat death itself!
I just hope it's not too crowded in there.
Grislebrand? Never heard of him.
Posted By:
(4/7/2012 7:26:53 PM)
Vedalken Shackles
Posted By:
(4/28/2012 2:45:02 PM)
for that much mana, it should be able to exile any permanant
Posted By:
(5/8/2012 12:42:24 AM)
Five stars for flavor alone.
Never mind that it's pretty amazing regardless.
Posted By:
(5/30/2012 3:40:19 PM)
I think people might be underestimating this card.
Saving Grasp
See the similarity? But wait, there's more! Not only does this card not go to your graveyard, but it also allows you to "respawn" all your monsters in to combat at once with a simple Naturalize, or similar spell, without having to pay for anything but the spell used to destroy it.
You want to exile my Avacyn, Angel of Hope since you can't get rid of it any other way? Lolnope, Helvault, Naturalize.
Posted By:
(6/26/2012 2:01:55 AM)
@JimmyNoobPlayer: Check Liliana of the Veil's ultimate.
Posted By:
(6/29/2012 11:08:11 AM)
I like how it is worded that if it gets exiled, the creatures don't come back.
Posted By:
(8/24/2012 11:57:09 PM)
Misthollow Griffin walks in and out like he owns the place.
If you've been using its , then it can make a great blocker with something like March of the Machines
Posted By:
(9/3/2012 8:42:51 AM)
My favorite game of MTG game involved a suicidal Helvault. I was playing my friends's UB Artifacts and he played Helvault. His Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas turned it into a 5/5. I Followed Footsteps it for the revenge of getting all my creatures exiled. Then my friend just decided to kill the Helvault with it's own exile ability before I got any tokens.
The other part of the game included my Baneslayer being locked into an Oblivion Ring, and two different Helvauts over the same game before finally dying to a Helvault that was exiled with Oblivion Ring.
Posted By:
(11/16/2012 4:42:03 AM)
Misthollow Griffin wants to play...
Posted By:
(12/2/2012 5:00:26 PM)