Adam's tapping out to play Griselbrand; Julie 'vaults her Archon.
Adam: "Okay, the double enters-the-battlefield thing is right, but that's not how Archon of Justice works, Helvault doesn't make it die."
Julie: "I know!" (she's grinning)
Adam: o_O "Why are you exiling all your creatures?"
Julie: "Setting up for Akroma's Vengeance."
Adam: *counting Julie's lands* ... "****ing god. Go."
Julie: Armageddon XD
Best. Bluff. Ever. A Wispmare rescued the Archon and friends a couple turns later.
Posted By:
(12/23/2012 10:21:53 PM)
Those effects, so familiar, oh right Sisters of Stone Death.
Posted By:
(12/26/2012 10:59:59 AM)
If you have any Problems with any Eldrazi Titans (i.e. Emrakul, the Aeons Torn ,Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre , Kozilek, Butcher of Truth), have Leyline of Anticipation ready with 10 lands (3 for entry and 7 seven for targeted creauture) and Helvualt yourself to safety (concerning Emrakul, the Aeons Torn Ulamog it has "protection from COLORED spells" (emphasised added) and last Iast I checked, Helvault is COLORLESS, y'all understand what I'm implying?). And in the event your opponent has promblems with you special vualt and tries to close it down, Gather Specimens, the Cloud Cover with Leyline of Anticipation combo, or Captain of the Mists should cause you to get some good Ideas.
Posted By:
(12/29/2012 9:37:46 PM)
I'd probably use this for Ball Lightning, Arc Runner,Spark Trooper, and of course the spark elementals. Then just blow it up for some serious Overrun.
Posted By:
(2/3/2013 10:16:24 PM)
So does this work with unearth creatures? If so this is great.
I mean I like it anyway because it means I can chump block with non-token weenies without losing them forever (ideally with ETB effects). Or exiling targets of removal before it resolves. And you can use it to save your favorite creature when you are about to play a wrath of God effect. Also, when you get enough mana this this is repeatable exile for your opponents creatures as well, and, since your opponent is interested in getting his fatties out again, he'll probably want to destroy the vault, unleashing your horde again as a nice consolation.
I think it's great. Good in white weenie in general and great for combo players. I think it's awesome with green mana-ramp too. Green doesn't often get unqualified removal. This will be a boon to the color just like steel hellkite was.
Posted By:
(4/4/2013 4:50:16 PM)
Pair this with worldslayer exile your own creatures then swing with tormented soul (equipped with worldslayer)
Posted By:
(5/29/2013 5:57:44 PM)
Whoever thought up the idea for this card is a genius!
To think you have the option of repeatable exile PLUS the option of loading in your own creatures PLUS the option of saving your own creatures if an opponent tries to get rid of them or take control, etc or if you are going to cast some form of mass removal. This card is great. So much potential.
Awesome artwork as well.
Posted By:
(6/9/2013 1:07:38 PM)
What if you played an ally deck, and scooped up some of your allies on turns you didn't need them? Then, a few turns later, you Reprocess it or something, all your allies come in and activate their abilities at once, and then swing for the win?
Posted By:
(6/18/2013 3:32:40 PM)
a3kitsune: "My store's Helvault didn't have any foils in it! what a ripoff!"
salient: wispmare destroys enchantments. helvault's an artifast.
canbe useful in certain combos, i suppose. ain't lovin' it.
Posted By:
(11/4/2013 11:08:24 AM)